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Danny Kearns

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Everything posted by Danny Kearns

  1. Sorry guys, I have no front wheel, Can not make it sorry, Some other time Hope you all have a good ride Dan.
  2. In my opinion you need to get your eyes tested, Is there not a local specsavers near you, If so you need to pay a visit and get your f**king eyes sorted out you noob. Sorry had to get that off my chest, That really did piss me off and upset me. Dan.
  3. On every Brum ride doesnt everybody normally meet at new street gap at a certain time ? Dan.
  4. Shame mate i am in the same boat as you, I have never seen them but she has shown me all her bra's and they all say double d, She wont show me her boobs and i have treid so hard. I shall have to try harder and that pic doesnt do them justice. Dan.
  5. Not necessicarily, It could just do with a service, Just clean it all out etc. Dan.
  6. Danny Kearns


    Couldnt of put it better myself. Dan. p.s - I can not tap, I ride a mod, I am hopeless at tapping, My mod bike might be the answer to my question.
  7. There is a girl who i know and i have been trying to go out with her for the past three years and she is perfect, DD boobs, Fine arse, But she isnt thin and she isnt fat, she is avaerage, She also has the face of an angel. Pic if anybody's interested. Dan.
  8. There is such things as spelling and punctuation and actually making your posts make sense. I found that hard to read and understand but sort of got your point. At the end of the day, This needs to be sorted one way or another. Dan.
  9. But what really really is confusing me is, If he is the same person why on earth would he be moaning about all this and wanting his old account back ? It is not like he was validated in his previous account. So don't see what all the fuss is about, Unless he wants some attention. Dan. EDIT: Please can you sort this out Tom, It is starting to annoy me, Thanks in advance if you do.
  10. But he did say it IS possable to sign in and out in under 1 minute. Dan.
  11. Thats not the cleverest idea in the book, There is no point getting angry when you know your in the wrong, The both of you are, So just chill out because Tom is a very resonable guy and he is doing what is right and he is not lying, He is telling the truth. Dan.
  12. I am not joking no, If Tom has checked and they are exactly the same IP adresses then why would Tom lie ? He runs the forum, He doesnt want any trouble, He is just doing his job on the forum. You can keep saying you don't know him but at the end of the day you are lying because nobody can have the same IP adress. Dan.
  13. I think you two should stop lying and making hard work for Tom. Dan.
  14. What he means is that you are both posting off the same pc, and Danny and Tom can check ip adress's so they are not lying. Now it does sound dodgy to me. Well hunted Tom. Dan.
  15. Lmfao, Maybe he used that pc to make his account because i know you block i.p adress's when you suspend/ban somebody. Dan.
  16. They can check where the post was posted from and if it doesnt match the i.p adress you normally post from then i am sure they can do something about it. Also never ever use a public forum on a linked up server (school pc's) because it is so easy for somebody to find out your password. I have been banned off 3 forums for it. All the best mate, Help this lad out Danny And Tom, He seem's pritty innocent to me. Dan.
  17. A man come up to me a while ago, He said bloody hell you've woke me up (We were by an alleyway, i am guessing he was a tramp) and i goes how on earth have i achived that and he said that bloody loud squeeking, he said get some oil on the bloody things and i siad well if i do that they wont work at all and i said look i will show you why i need my brakes and i said i will jump from that wall to that rail and he said, if you do that i will give you a joint, so off i went and did the gap he rolled it infront of me so i new there was nothing dodgy in it. Ride off, Found some pikey chavs and sold it them for £3.50. Doesnt sound to bad to me. Dan.
  18. In the end I decided I loved the black too much, thanks for all the pictures everyone. After looking at CLS's and Neil Tunnicliffe's frames I had a similar idea and wanted my name on my frame. I told my mate and he brought the idea to light and made some stencils. I have sprayed Danny Kearns down the top of the top tube going down, then on the headtube, D . K also vertical. I sprayed these on in silver and I think it looks awesome. I have finished spraying tonight and when my bike is fully built up then I will have some pictures posted on here as soon as possible. Dan.
  19. Danny Kearns

    Wigs Vid 1

    Is it me or is there something really strange about your style ? It just looks as though you dont pedal kick when you do anything and it look's like you just hop Anyways, Great video, Love the song, Good riding and nice bails. Good work. Dan.
  20. Trust me, That extra £15 will save you loads in the long run, They really do last a life time and them t-master hubs also run alot smoother. Dan.
  21. Bullshit, I have had mine 2 years and have never had no trouble with them what so ever, there very strong actually and even so, it will be alot alot stronger than that t-pro hub. Dan.
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