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Danny Kearns

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Everything posted by Danny Kearns

  1. I may be able to help, Give me 20 mins. Dan...........
  2. Change the file format to something that adobe premiere allows, Its simple really. Dan.............
  3. If this is a saturday i will probably attend. Dan..............
  4. The forks are custom made, Think it cost them about £500 for each fork, Thats what a mate of mine told me at the place where they were made. Dan..................
  5. Are you sure. I am speaking to him on msn and he has just been telling me hes got that drop gap from the window outside the art gallery in Leeds lined up for 2007. Dan..........
  6. Kickflip backflip down the darkside bordslide 360 noseblunt and out to and backside 360. Dan.... In reality though, brake less tap ups.
  7. In all fairness i can see there point of view, But i got validated in one post, It really isnt as hard as your all making out. I have noticed a few things on this forum. For example say a pro rider or somebody fairly famous sign's up, They are automatically validated, Yet i am sure i read "You do not have to no anything about trials, just use correct spelling and punctuation etc". So how does that work ? Dan................
  8. . Thats right Nath. There very laid back around here. Dan.........
  9. Danny Kearns


    Nice vid, That gap the front wheel was huge. What was the song ? Dan...............
  10. Damon Watson video 1, 2 and 3. Zoo Video 30 "The Years" (I think it was this year). Tartybikes_Stan_MBK. (The one with interpol - evil as the song). Dan....... EDIT: How could i forget, Zoo video 33. Neil you god.
  11. Just push them on with your hands, Thats what i do. Dan.........
  12. Oh and by the way Neil. Amazing video my friend, You really are pushing yourself as far as you can go now, I can see that. I liked both songs alot, The editing was brilliant. Keep up the good work my friend. Dan.........
  13. Has anybody got the dates for this years British rounds ? Dan.........
  14. Oh lord, Ive just creamed. Truly, Got to be my most favorite bike ever. Nice work dude. Dan..................
  15. Neil what is the song when your advertising that your getting an adamant and stuff ? Could you please send it me over msn ? Dan.....
  16. I do, Karate, Boxing and i attend the gym regularly. It helps alot towards riding because your stamina and strength grows at an increasing rate. Dan.............
  17. Right first things first. 1 - Take off your crank arm. 2 - Get your freewheel removal tool. 3 - Get a long nut and bolt and bolt the freewheel tool to the freewheel. 4 - Now put the crank arm in the vice. 5 - Get a big spanner and a long extendable bar on the end of the spanner for more leverage. 6 - Give it some pasty and it should come off. 7 - If not take it up to "Rob Poyser" at "CDC" and he will have it off in around 2 mins. Dan....
  18. Hi there, I have just been informed by a friend about a new v-brake lever. Only just come out, I don't think they are even out yet to be fair. Here's a link anyway: DangerBoy V-Brake Lever.... Please discuss and post your thoughts. Dan.........
  19. Just think of it this way. If you don't do it, Somebody else is going do it so you might as well get it done. They are the wise words of Mr. Damon Watson. Dan..............
  20. Happy New Year all. Have a good one and great year of riding. All the best. Dan.......
  21. Really, Some of these comments are really stupid. Just sit down and talk to them about it. (Listen to "Phil_Onza"). Dan.............
  22. How did they kill him ? Still i think it was an easy way out for him.... Dan.......
  23. Limewire is not illegal. If it was illegal then why would it be on a google search engine waiting for you to download.
  24. Have you been downloading songs illegally with copyright restrictions on ? Dan......
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