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Danny Kearns

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Everything posted by Danny Kearns

  1. Traffic is one of the many problems of this Country.
  2. Hey guys, once everything had calmed down and people were leaving, i thought i would capture some of the flowers and stuff for sentimental reasons and thought the people off TF that couldn't make it would like to see. Was an extremly sad Funeral, Yet he had a wicked send off, Couldn't believe the amount of people there ! Anyways. Rest In Piece my good friend Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload
  3. Conspiriacy, I was just talking to Jonny Mc about how shit D&B is
  4. Im glued on this just lately, Can't turn it off. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  6. Why does sex have to be brought into everything ! Jesus
  7. Close request please ? Going abit far
  8. Why do i get the feeling this is gonna' turn into another "Post a pic of your missus thread"
  9. Yeah i deffinatly agree they arn't glued in properly, I was winding you up about setting your breake up . Like i said, give the tarty boys a phone and explain exactly what has happnend, they'll probs ask you send the pads back and you'll get another set
  10. Thats it, Ive had enough. You inverness lot can fook off Your all amazing up there. Keep it up guys
  11. Faulty batch/set then pal . Unless you have SERIOUS issue's setting your brake up
  12. P.S - Phat pads are the future
  13. Have you phoned them and spoke with them directly ? Im sure they'll be willing to help
  14. Jesus Where did you purchase them from ?
  15. As far as im aware they are
  16. f**king machine ! What is it with you Inverness lot ? Seriously ? Are you stupidly young an all ? Like 14 or sommat ? Sick riding fella. I know it gets said all the time, But show me some lines and you'll be fooking amazing.
  17. Derailleur's are amazing, give better tension than anything. All this 74kingz malarky, and if your woried about hitting your mech on a rail or whatever, improve your accuaracy
  18. BEAST Best vid from you Keep it up pal
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