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Danny Kearns

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Everything posted by Danny Kearns

  1. Cheers Jon. Full vid in about 2-3 weeks. Just you wait . Danny. Comments .
  2. Looks a beast. Rides sweet as to. Don't go getting rid of that beast for a f**king baby bike. You suit that really well and your improving fast on it. Hope to ride with you soon. Much love. Danny xxxx
  3. Sweet Dave. Cap went from looking like he was ready for war in the pic of Danny, to looking like a puff in Dave's . Much love. Danny xxx
  4. LMAO. Dave he's so predictable. Danny.
  5. See my point proven. Your so annoying and cocky and childish. How old are you meant to be and your putting childish remarks like that and your a Senior member ? then god help this forum. As for Biff being up his own arse, your not ? I think your to far up yours. I really really want to see what you say to me in real life if i ever meet you and that goes for anybody else who you seem to insult on this forum, I bet you wouldn't say shit to them in real life because all you are is a keyboard warrior. Well all i can say Joe is you really really piss me off on this forum. You seem to put everybody's video's down and it pisses me off because your riding is absolute gash. Sort out your priorities boy. Danny.
  6. You have a great hate for the half the people on this forum. God knows why people voted for you to be a Senior member, you must be one of the most arrogant people on this forum. Sweet vid Biff mate. Can't wait for the full length one. Editing is absolutely fantastic. Good work dude. Danny.
  7. You couldn't of put that any better. Danny.
  8. Just one on the Adamant. I did keep it ask Bigman. Danny.
  9. Is there any tools you have not got ? lol. Danny.
  10. Can't wait. Never rode leeds. Should be good fun. Try and drag Rob Poyser down. Danny.
  11. Hello all. Got the Adamant built up on Sunday 2 days ago. Went out today for a little ride to get used to it. Feeling very comfy on it. Really prefer it to mod. I just hope my riding can get bigger and better. Please watch and comment. http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/DanKearns Download - Danny Kearns MJCycles Adamant Warm Up (Right click save target as) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdX-vFlmMs4 Enjoy. Please comment. Danny. www.mjcycles.com
  12. Don't start one of these discussions off Stan . Danny x
  13. Dave's got all bitter on Sunday. Every time we went to ride somehwhere. Danny was there and he said lets go somewhere else cause everything Dave was side hopping Danny did so effortlessly. But Dave is a beast. Didn't realize you were so good. Ride soon. Danny xxx
  14. Big you say Danny ? . It was f**king huge. Beast side hop like all of yours. Deffo deffo ride soon mate. Keep it up and get vid out. Danny xxx
  15. Good luck man. Shall miss not having you around. All the best. Danny.
  16. Very impressive. I enjoyed that alot man. You have proper got your side hop technique sorted out along with your front wheel moves. Can't wait to see more of your video's. Hopefully sort a ride out soon. Danny.x
  17. 1. Sam Jones 2. Bigman 3. Trials Commentator 4. Ash-kennard 5. Ghetto Rider 6. fugigas 7. monkeyseemonkeydo 8. Scopse 9. Quakers 10. Davenorfolk 11. Davetrials 12. Mission_Reefer_Rider 13. TeamWarRider 14. Derf 15. dan_cpu 16. Chris Abbey 17. Mike Crowther 18. Adam bessell 19. Danny Kearns
  18. Well here she is. Finally completed, she rides so nice. Please enjoy and all comments are welcome. Zoo forks and Black front wheel soon me thinks. Like i said enjoy and comments please. Danny. EDIT: How could i forget. Massive massive thanks to www.mjcycles.com. Could not of done it with out your help guys. Once again thanks.
  19. With the loud as f**k hope pro 2and silver forks and MJ Cycles stickers ? If so yes. Why ? Danny.
  20. Thanks everybody for a spectacular day. Just got back and sun burnt to f**k. Had a great laugh and met loads of new people. Thanks. Danny.
  21. Just got back. Sun burnt to f**k. What day. Enjoyed it loads. Couldn't of asked for a better laugh and good days riding. Loving the new bike and shiz. Thanks everybody. Danny.
  22. Shall be leaving at 7:30. Danny.
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