Hello all. On my way to school this morning on the loverly Adamant. I was riding down a hill on the pavement without a helmet on. I was going down the hill and on the right hand side of me there is drive way leading in to a primary school. So i was coming down the hill at a reasonable speed looking straight in front of me. I got about 10-12 inches from the gate and i could see nothing coming, so i continued as i got right by by the side of the gate a car pulled out. I smashed into the side of the car which proceeded in me smacking my bollox into my stem and head butting her car. I left a dent in the car about 6 inches leng and about half an inch in depth. She got out of the car and asked me if i was ok, i said no not really. She then proceeded to ask if i wanted a lift to the hospital to be checked over, i replied no seeing as i had an exam to get to. I then continued by saying thanks and i am really really sorry about your car, she said thats fine but i will need your address and name and home phone number. I gave them to her and went to school and told them and did my exam and they sent me home. Where do i stand ? Is it my fault or hers ? Will pay for the damage or because she is full comp insured will i not have to ? Please inform me on any other details i will need to know. Danny.