The obstacle is a large concrete block, loads of run up, lots of landing. What is your preffered method to get up it? Sideways (sidehop) Forwards (pedal up, tap, hook, up to front etc) You have the same concrete block but only enough run up for 1 full pedal rotation. What is your preffered method? Sideways (sidehop) Forwards (pedal up, tap, hook, up to front etc) Instead of the concrete block, you now have a wall which is 12" wide. You have unlimited smooth run-up. What is you preffered method? Sideways (sidehop) Forwards (pedal up, tap, hook, up to front etc) You have the same 12" wide wall, but only enough run-up for 1 full pedal rotation. What is your preffered method? Sideways (sidehop) Forwards (pedal up, tap, hook, up to front etc) Danny.