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Danny Kearns

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Everything posted by Danny Kearns

  1. I don't see the point in riding in the rain
  2. But theres the arguement that you STILL have to modify your rim with a grinder in order to make your pads work. So NO-ONE can win this arguement.
  3. So not true. Tar makes my brake absolute shit. Grind wise anyways. Smooth rim and zoo pads and tar = Unreal.
  4. D* Kearns and D* Moores shall be rolling into New Street at 10:58 Owen you better be on Ko.
  5. I prefer my tyres to last for more than 2 weeks
  6. Why on earth would you change a high roller on front ? I've just gone from a thin tyre, 2.1 MTB thing, to a 2.35 high roller ST and oh my god, my bike feels a million times better, front wheel gaps and everything are better. Nice bike dude
  7. Welcome aboard this "wonderful" place Enjoy your stay.
  8. Did you take the picture ? If so, did the lad die ? Thats a VERY dangerous place to hit someone, let alone kick them.
  9. Or should i say, They need a fairly harsh grind to work well on echo 07, thats the only way we got my mates working same as mine.
  10. I think im addicted to it: Brian Eno - An ending. Its all i ever listen to
  11. Out of curiosity, what rim you gonna' be using them on ? I've foudn they dont work well on echo 07 and try-all.
  12. Do it then whack it up in Wiki for future reference
  13. A Moderator wanna' clean this up for me please ? Thanks.
  14. arhghggh, topics made me hungry, hardly anything in though, will report back with what i managed to bodge together
  15. Best pic i have is above your quote dude, sorry.
  16. The only reason people only put sidehops in there avatars, is because avatars are that small, its the only move you can make any sense of. If you put a gap or something, you can't tell where there landing or anything. Meh, Not my forum. Just saying.
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