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Danny Kearns

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Everything posted by Danny Kearns

  1. I was expecting something absolutely mental. Like beyond normality. But you still ain't beat this: Gaz Meredith = Tuck god. Danny. EDIT: Nice tucks all the same . The first one is my fav .
  2. Sounds like it's your bleed. Try a different lever or something. Change the slave cylinders, the hosing etc. Just narrow it down part by part. Danny.
  3. The last one in not humanly possible Kris and you know it. That gaps like 40ft. Danny.
  4. Photo shopped most deffinatly ^^^^ Danny.
  5. Nah Jonny's just built like a brick shit house thats all. Runs bout 30 psi i think. Danny.
  6. Must be Squince. Mikes already told me he's going and he's on list. DUH ! Danny.
  7. Is there anything Damon hasn't snapped/killed though ? Danny.
  8. Right. Can someone link me to where i can buy a new axle for it please ? Thanks for all the help. Danny. EDIT: Found this one: http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=18757 But which one out of the list do i need for my hub ?
  9. Alright. If there's a ride going on and your going ill try come along. Danny.
  10. That bike is the sex i'll admit. But may i ask what's with the big weight issue bullshit ? Really. Youdon't need a bike that light. To be honest prefer some weight to my bike so i know its there. Can't ride these featherweight things. Feel like there going break. So what is the issue with these ultra light bikes ? Doesn't make ridign any easier for me. Danny.
  11. Jonny Jonny Jonny...That was inspirational. Your effortless yet so powerful riding really does show what strength can do for a trials rider. Massive potential in you Jonny i've just got to get it out of you and get it in front of the camera . All the same. A amazing video. Made want to go out a ride put it that. Someone sponsor this lad, he deserves it. As for editing wise. It seem that it was worth waiting for Kris because the editing was amazing. I loved it, everything was just perfect. The song suited his riding style, the editing was perfect to the song. Really spot on video. As for you two Kris and Jonny.......Ride soon. Peace out. Danny xxx
  12. Should see the f**ker that lives next door to me. OMFG. Its a pet like but leg to leg its about 10" long. f**king tarantula i think. Big fat, black hairy thing with orange eyes. Im petrified of the things anyways. Worst fear. Ill ask if i can have a pic next time is see them Danny.
  13. Simple solution to all that is Kris: Zoo pads (Old compound), smooth rim and tar = Best brake ever Danny.
  14. Hello all. Me and Mike Hayes said we wanted to ride Nottingham in a while. So we have decided on Saturday 1st September. I thought i'd ask you lot to join us So post if your coming and ill pop your name on the list Meeting Place: Nottingham Train Station Doors. Meeting Time: 11:00 - 11:30. Meeting Date: Saturday 1st September 2007 Rider's so far: Danny Kearns (Also a friend of mine will be coming with me) Mike Hayes. Pekr! Reinold Cred Squince Antilope Trials Jonny MC Ryan Oakley So come along and have fun Thanks. Danny. EDIT: PLEASE TAKE NOTE, THIS HAS BEEN MOVED FROM THE 25TH AUGUST TO SEPTEMBER 1ST. THANK YOU.
  15. Hello all I went out for a ride the other day and My back wheel all of a sudden started rocking side to side which is also causing my tyre to rub on my frame somewhere, Everything is Tight I double checked that and yet it still Moved. I have taken the wheel off to see if the lock ring was loose, But it wasn't. I then noticed that when I pull the side where the lock ring is, it moves in and out like half an inch. Has anyone had this same problem, or similar. If so how can i sort it out as it slightly worried me. All help will be appreciated. Danny.
  16. I recommend the shorter version. I ride the Zoo Python 2005 Long: 1045 Wheelbase 364 Chainstays 72 Headangle BB Rise ????? Not alot anyways. Im bang on 6ft and i find that it is perfect for me. Doesn't feel to long and i am really comfy on it. Just go to a big group ride and have ago on a few short and long pythons. Danny
  17. Done deal . Add me on msn. We'l talk: trials-monkey@hotmail.co.uk Danny
  18. Kris.....Why has yours got facial hair on ? You've got about as much facial hair as a babys arse. Yeah. I used to know who's post is who just by looking at avatars. This simpson thing gets a little confusing. Danny.
  19. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....c=68745&hl= I got validated in 1 post. So that was my first topic haha. Danny.
  20. 5065 wheelbase 800mm bb rise 252 headangle 4765 chain stays. Was a damn good ride actually Danny.
  21. He told me not to use screamo. So i used the complete opposite lmao Danny.
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