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Everything posted by powerz

  1. it is the strange thing is it only does it in msn
  2. i was on msn and instead of hitting the shift tab i must of hit the wrong button or afew wrong buttons and now when i press shift tab and the number 2 i get like a: l instead of this ". anyone know how to sort this lil prob. Thanks
  3. powerz

    The Bails Thread

    Not that good but its a stack: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=U7BTq6eD9GU
  4. Spot on riding there, i realy enjoyed watching that only one lil dig which is i thought there was slightly too many shots with just your wheels in view other than this was minto
  5. Yea im guna get mine 2moz morning aswell, Glad you have got your bits through in time sounds like your wheel is very sexual. ll
  6. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummaryVery fast payment, good comunication, top stuff. Given By: powerz You were the: Buyer Date: 1185384588
  7. Nah we havnt pre-booled but we was guna buy em in the week sometime probs thursday.
  8. Weather should be good by the looks of things: http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/5day.shtml?id=3524 even if its light rain i'd still go if others were still riding, seeing as we would of already brought the train tickets.
  9. I could but i tried that on my 04 lever when it happend to that and it didnt make any differance.
  10. Yep 100% its all fitted correct and the plunger thing doesnt look damaged in anyway.
  11. Nah i know 100% its not that, as iv'e actualy tried it with the lever blade being off and pushing the plunger down with the end of an allen key and the plunger goes in then will sometimes get stuck or will return real slow.
  12. Well i have cleaned it all out proper and tried GT85 re-bled it and so far it is running fine again, so thanks for the advice see how long it will last this time, anyone know why they do it?
  13. Right everytime so far that i have fell off i have had to buy a new lever because i pull the lever and the plunger thing stays in and doesnt return or does but very slowly. i was told to use sumthing thin to lube it up so i did this with my 04 lever and it never worked so i ended up buying a new 05 lever i stacked it afew days back and the plunger done the same in my new lever so i went back & cleaned the plunger/spring ect then wiped alil babyoil on it as i thought it would lubricate it alil then gave it a re-bleed with water, tonight i have gone to use it and after 10 mins max the plunger is returning real slow. Please help as this is really p***ing me off, surely everytime you stack it you dont have to buy a new lever. Info of the brake: rear hs33 05 slaves 2 weeks old 05 lever 3-4 weeks old Adamant lever blade hope braided hose recent water bleed.
  14. exactly what JT said & blimey !JaMmY! you like your !!!!!!!!! dont you.
  15. powerz

    Danny B

    Certainly got some balls, some big old gaps and drops, very good vid & riding them rails are sketchy lol
  16. Yep flatland bmxing is sexual, man if those guys took up some trials riding they would have a real good advantage over most as their balance is just crazy!!!.
  17. powerz

    me wheel

    From the album: GU

  18. I can do that reasonable well but cant get the one were you roll back then flick the backwheel in the air and go along without scootering the wheel. iv'e seen alic do it in his vids manytimes but can never quiet find the balance point
  19. Have you got a description of the trick? is it the one were you scooter on the front wheel backwards ifso i do have alil footage of me doing it. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=vWcttsG60rI @ 35 seconds
  20. powerz

    MY GU 07

    From the album: GU

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