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Everything posted by powerz

  1. LankyRicky ive added you on msn, cheers Meteor~ & Chris Abbey pics looking good
  2. Cheers mate 3rd and 4th are my favourites, awesome pics. keep em coming
  3. Hi, im after some silhouette pics of people riding 20" mods i,e on back wheel on top of a rock ect reason why im after these pics is because i want a tattoo done sometime this year of me riding my mod like holding it on rear wheel on a bollard or rock, or a big side hop ect but cant decide on what would look better. If your not sure what a silhoutte is, its like the pic below (Chai afew years ago in clacton) so if you have any please post away, Cheers
  4. something about this vid that i realy like, got a real relaxed feel about it, good song choice and your riding is preety good
  5. Well i have been bleeding my maggy with water for near on a year with no problems. i dont do downhilling on my trials bike as its a trials bike not a downhill bike so i have no worries with the water boiling. Just every 3 months i re-bleed the brake with fresh water. On a ride if you asked around i think youd find that the majority of riders would be running water in there maggy/s, IMO it feels so much better than royal blood (more responsive), people should try things or research a lil better before making out they know it all.
  6. My dream bike would be the koxx monsterboy with everything black apart from pink rims
  7. i have my finger resting on the front lever all the time altough recently i have been trying not too when going for big gaps as my theory is more of your hand on the bar = more control & grip although it would realy be a good idea for your rear brake
  8. Come on someone must know the tune PRITTY PLEASEEEEE. if u can be bothered to wait for it to load the song starts at around 14:20 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6457987489789403130
  9. Cool thanks for the advice 'jake1516' i wernt having a dig at selectbikes btw, yea il give phil a ring im £20 short at the moment, so close yet so far comes to mind lol. so as long as i find £20 before the 21st (which is when tarty is open again & should have em in stock) i will try selectbikes.
  10. They do look lush its just im not sure if its worth me laying out £300 for, but its a bonus it having a bash and the fact that its black. thers too many silver frames out.
  11. Cheers so it has a less BB rise, which may help stop me constantly getting back ache
  12. well i asked selectbikes 1 week ago now but no reply yet, i have a 20" GU at the moment, obviously not the new one but can anyone tell me the differances in geometry ect as im to thick to under stand all that. :$ i,e has the new gu got a higher or lower BB than the old one ect. what are the pros and cons of the new frames geo. Thanks for any help.
  13. Kinda a bit of topic but does anyone know the song from gumball 3000 2006, It starts playing at 14mins 15 secs on the 5th episode. Thanks for any help Ive tried googling the lyrics but cant find it.
  14. that looked painful, song is fort minor- taking the highroad or highroad
  15. powerz

    My Zona

    Love it mate, just needs a black stem and gold bars IMO
  16. Vid was good But i have to agree with riding on the graves is alil harsh, You totaly amazed me when i saw you ride at clacton total respect for you considering you was ridin better than me aswell . out of curiosity can you wheel swap, as i thought you had your lever body set-up to two levers 1 for front and 1 for rear which i would imagine makes wheelswaping very dificult. Mint vid anyways, nice to here the sqeeky brakes instead of hard rock shite. IMO
  17. Amazing riding, @ 51 secs the tap to lika a manual soooo smooth
  18. Good point, iv'e never brought from selectbikes are they any good ie quick at deliveries as iv'e always delt with tarty who are spot on.
  19. Have you have already brought some lew, well as you know i ran creepy crawlers before buying my tryall ones and i think the creepy crawlers are better value for money although the tryall grip amazing and have a real nice feel about em mine are nearly bold and ive had em 3 weeks max and seeing as 99% of the you ride street i would have gone for the creepy crawlers.
  20. Just thought id leave you a comment scott so here it is. lol

  21. Just a quick update: I spoke to tarty again today and they said the frames would be in stock in around 3 weeks time due to them moving, i was hoping they would be in next week i cant wait 3 weeks . It better be worth the wait which im sure it will
  22. powerz


    Nice vid Matt, Riding was excellant beasty sidehops as always lol some shots were alil crappy due to sunlight, music went alright with it too
  23. Frames look good, got quite afew designs going on too. Is he a pure street rider seeing as he uses a slick tyre never knew they did em. I like the koxx style frame the best 11th pic down.
  24. I run the same tyres on my mod but i cant see mine lasting 6 months maybe 6 weeks they are half worn already after 2 weeks. your bikes damn fine too
  25. powerz

    Pad Reviews

    O.K cheers wondered why they was so cheap. stick with me plazys then
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