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King C

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Everything posted by King C

  1. I would simply keep the hub and just get a new rim and spokes because you've got a nice hub on your hands there.
  2. In response to the second question the HS33 Evo II brake looks to me like the 2005 version and the other one just looks like the older style. Its up to you really but alot of people prefer the older ones to the newer ones. By the way withthey both come with new mounts and they run on vee brake mounts so you want either vee brake adaptors( http://www.heatsinkbikes.com/?p=veeadapters or http://www.bikedock.com/posit/shop/index.p...gory=20&group=1 (£7.99)) or you want 4 bolt clamps( http://tartybikes.co.uk/products.php?product=brake_spares (first two)). Hope this helps and its not too confusing . King
  3. When you buy Zona Zip's for £160(grey) do they come with a bash guard or is it actually just the frame? I want to get one but need to know how much to save up. Sorry if there have already been posts like this but my search isn't working. King
  4. Check this out: http://www.batch.org/eng/frame.php?id=mod20_plasma
  5. I would say street but I ride along the seafront and the place is dotted with rocks so I have a go at the rocks now and then. Mind you i am still learning the ropes so it is easier learning on walls.
  6. Me and a couple of my mates ride in Herne Bay. Theres lots of rocks down here and quite a few walls. Two of my mates are quite good riders but theres three of us still learning the ropes really. We have thought of travelling but we decided that we can't be asked. Why don't you come up to Herne Bay, we're out most weekends.
  7. on ebay supercycles are selling the frames for £99 buy it now.
  8. Where abouts in Kent do you ride because I ride and live in Herne Bay with my mates. They live near Herne Bay but ride there. What bike do you ride beacuase we saw a group of new people the other day briefly. I added you to my msn by the way.
  9. I have one. There quite a nice bike, nice on the back wheel. Go for it. The only thing is they are quite short.
  10. I've just notice none of the ladeez ride stock. Go mods
  11. Try supercycles or trialsshop.co.uk. I have personally had a bad experiance with trialsshop due to getting orders wrong and slow postage but its up to you my friend. Go zona's hopefully I'll be getting one soon. King
  12. I love pythons but the only thing I don't like is the CLS stickers on it. Other than that I would kill to have that bike.
  13. Hi, I ride a mod with a front free wheel at the moment. The gearing is 16:12 and when I go riding my jeans get caught between my freewheel and the chain. They're eating my jeans. I wouldn't mind as much if it was only now and then but it happened 5 times yesterday. Has this happened to any of you before and/or do you have any solutions. I would appreciate any help given. Cheers King
  14. Isn't there something about echo rims being weak, Im not sure but I think I read it somewhere. It might be the old style ones.
  15. That MOFO link just led me to trialsshop.co.uk and not any particular frame/bike. Anyways I ride an old T mag so I doubt it could be too similar.
  16. I love it when people keep to colour schemes. Im a sucker for blue.
  17. LMAO, quote from budweiser advert: true, true
  18. Im convinced. All I need now it to save up some of that really expensive paper....£££
  19. will he sell just the frame?
  20. We have some crazy mo fo's on our hands here. I guess Ill be doing it when i get better at trials.
  21. One step ahead of you mate Cheers anyway
  22. Do you know by any chance that thats the same squince from here? ^Don't worry, my mistake. Thought squince was the seller. Im abit spasticmacated.
  23. Do they ride nicely? What f@$*ing genius took a python, added a bash and took off £50 from the price! cheers king
  24. I want to buy a zona zip (sex on wheels) and just want to see some pictures of fully built ones as Ive only seen pictures of the frame. (Time to show off abit)
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