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Ben Swales

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Everything posted by Ben Swales

  1. i've been having real problems setting my brake up on my echo control ('04 model) using the control booster. it's so big it gets in the way!! so i took it off, and managed to set the brake up fine. the only problem is that there's 1-2mm of flex at the piston, which translates to (from what i can see) abou 1cm of flex at the lever... what i'm wondering is, how many people who ride the 04 control run their brake without a booster, and have they had any problems with it? and does anybody else find it really tricky to set up the brake with the control booster, or am i just cackhanded? cheers
  2. nice vid matt :P (finally!) looks like someone's been practicing! shame you couldn't come down the other week, had some fun! keep in touch matey! Ben
  3. rollersnakes.co.uk, routeone.co.uk and attitude.uk.com all have some, but they're all in excess of £40, i really wanted some, but at that price, i acn live with being spotted if i hide in a bush thank you very much!
  4. Ben Swales

    Short Video

    just the last few unused clips i had kicking about on my computer boshed together with minimal editing in order to tidy up my laptop a bit. it's not brilliant quality, and only a minute long. music by the golden virgins, "light in her window" 2.66MB :D 1.02minutes eengoedidee cheers
  5. sorry mate, my mrs is down from the 13th to the 17th, so i won't be riding then (Y) i'll be in touch after that. hope you have fun!
  6. as noone posted, we just rode locally today, but we're definitely going up to herne bay tomorrow. would be good to see some other riders there!
  7. me and woody, and hopefully some of the other deal lads are going to Herne Bay tomorrow (sunday) if anyone wants to join us? meet between 10 and 11 at the rocks by the car park :P Ben
  8. me and woody, and hopefully some of the other deal lads are going to Herne Bay tomorrow (saturday) if anyone wants to join us? meet between 10 and 11 at the rocks by the car park :P Ben
  9. my best mate's a drummer. he's only allowed to play at home during the day when people are at work, or at tyhe studio (his dad's a TV man...)
  10. home of the emo kids!!! (Y) slightly off topic: at uni a year or so ago, i saw a band called My Awesome Compilation a couple of times. they seemed to be pretty emo-ish, if a little poppy. but now my trendy little brother and all his cockatoo mullet sporting friends love them. what do the emo kids say, MAC, yay or nay?
  11. no can do boys (Y) my girlfriend's down from the 13th to the 17th, and she just doesn't GET trials.... my mate from uni should be down at the weekend,and we'll definitely be paying HB a visit at some point! i'll drop u a line on here when i know when (Y)
  12. anyone fancy riding deal or kingsdown tomorrow afternoon/evening? i finish work at 4, and can be out riding by 5or6ish
  13. steve, the mate who's coming down is woody, who i think you met when you and tarty and that lot came up to sheffield about two years ago... Pm me your mobile number as i'm not sure if the one i've got is current and we'll sort something out (Y)
  14. i'm back in kent now, and can meet up for rides saturday and sunday from about half 4, tuesday and wednesday from about half 4 and i'm off friday, saturday and sunday and at least one of my uni riding mates will be down then, so we'll be pedallin about!
  15. should be there if i'm not working. my mate from uni should be down between the 5th and 7th if we can both get the time off etc. if its any of those dates he'll be there too!
  16. look out for a band called "cubic space division" they're local to me, and i don't think that big, but kerrang called them 'the future of british metal', so you might wanna check them out
  17. i live about ten mins away from kingsdown. there's some cool rocks on the seafronts there. i'm in prague from tomorrow til the 27th, but if you're still around after that i'll look you up!
  18. i don't hate them as much as june/july bugs. and i don't hate them as much as dan does. one look at one and he turns into a screaming girl!!
  19. i'm going to Perpignan in the south of France for semester one, and Oviedo in the north of Spain for the second. (its my third year doing French and Spanish, so i get to study abroad) perpignan has year round sun, is in a rain shadow (too close to the mountains so hardly gets any rain) and in the foothills fo the Pyrenees (ROCKS!).
  20. Ben Swales


    spot on. i find if i fall off something and don't go back to it, i build it up in my mind as being scarier than it is and often never get it done...the thing for me is (if possible, obviously wasn't for you with face breakages etc.) to get staright back up and try it again immediately, that way it hasn't got the time to play on my mind. i reckon you should get out there as soon as you can ride, and without sitting around looking at it, ride the wall. just get straight into it. slightly different; there's a sort of bridge near me, and it's been psyching me out for years. its about 3ft tall on the road side, and about 12-15ft tall at the highest point on the other side, with grass at the bottom. the top of the wall is about 8inches thick, but round (the bricks are semi circular). for years i've wanted to just ride along the top of this bridge, from one end to the other (about 20-30ft i think). i pretty much know i can do this, but every time i get up to do it, i get my front wheel on the round top of the wall, and bottle it! it's built up in my mind now as THE move i want to do, but i've spent so long thinking about it and seeing myself fall and break my legs etc. that i don't know if i'll ever do it now. when i do, i can die happy.
  21. Ben Swales


    fair enough. i didn't mean to have a go either...it just seemed to be a little unnecessarily on the condescending side of constructive criticism... not sure i'd say people were too friendly and nice on here though... :blink:"
  22. could do. what's the weather like down there? its pissed down with rain just now here (deal, nr dover) and the grounds soaking!! how long does it take to get to hastings? whats the riding there like?
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