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Ben Swales

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Everything posted by Ben Swales

  1. That, as ever, was beezer!! had me dancing round my room like an inbred! Happy Birthday for a few days ago mate! EDIT: The drop in 'Space' is SO good - it hurts!!
  2. I'm going over to see Darren in the hospital today. Sounds pretty serious, but he's taking it remarkably well! get well soon man, hope to see you back on a bike in the future!
  3. that'll be all those pies fred.... if my ankles better by then (should be - it's on the mend now!) I'll be riding. I'll let you know in August. I'm in Deal, about 40 mins away, but i have a car aswell, so can meet you anywhere round thsi way. Fred can give me my forks back that he's had for ages!!
  4. a pleasure to watch as always Pete m'lad!! much better with the song change too!! (LOVE minor threat!!) We'll have to get out riding at some point over the summer (once my ankle's fixed ) peace in the middle east
  5. mate, that's brilliant!! *says Benji, involuntarily chewing his cheeks* might have to make a trip down to Hastings again over the summer - let me know if you've got any big nights coming up! (EDIT: or even any small ones!)
  6. Ben Swales


    From the album: Ben Swales

  7. Ben Swales


    From the album: Ben Swales

  8. my housemate just finshed editing a video for their song 'because we are dead' he's done it all on his PC using just a DV camera and no budget, i reckon it's pretty good - check it out! http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=stnich0las
  9. looking good. glad to see it built up again
  10. not that i'm going to try this game - i have little enough time as it is..but..... retard.
  11. fair do's mate, no worries. I'll def come down and see you, but it depends on how things go on friday night if i come on my bike. see you then. peace
  12. eeerrrr....got a party on friday night, which means saturday morning too, and another one on saturday night. if i'm sober for long enough in between i'll roll down the hill (on my bike) and join in for a bit, if i'm not, i'll roll down the hill (on my side) and pester you all about why you haven't got seats, doing wheelies and telling you my gran could do that better than you. Fred, can you bring those forks with you?
  13. my home girl Darren's coming up to sheffield this weekend for a bit of riding and debauchery. I reckon we'll be riding round town on sunday, and heading out to the peaks on monday if anyone fancies joining? he's a very handsome man, with a fearsome intellect and razor sharp wit. not bad at riding either. come along and join the fun!! (Fred - fancy making the journey up?)
  14. Weather permitting, me and Darren will be riding Canterbury for a few hours and then going for a beer on Tuesday (16th). meeting at half 5, probably outside cycles UK (nr the bus station)
  15. congratulations to you both!! hope you have a speedy recovery!
  16. for my, mate's 21st i'm making hima CD of all the number one's on his birthday since he was born. I'm hvaing a bit of trouble finding a couple of the songs i need though. if anyone's got an mp3 of either Baz Luhrman - "Everybody's free (to wear sunscreen)" or Colour Me Badd - "I wanna sex you up" could they add me to msn and bosh it over to me please? cheers Ben
  17. do you mean the 20th century fox fanfare? if you do, it's the 20th century fox fanfare. it's the fanfare that they play at the start of 20th century fox films, while showing the 20th century fox logo etcetera. i'm SO tired, i'm even TYPING gibberish. *Ben shuffles off to bed, gloomily contemplating a long day at work in the morning. He really hopes none of the residents shits themselves tomorrow - three was quite enough today*
  18. me and my mates (all 3 of them) are currently playing a game before we die, called 'who can stay alive the longest'. it's currently a dead heat, as we're all still alive.
  19. that was amazing...chilled videos are definitely my favourites *rolls a spliff to watch the video again with*
  20. Tiken Jah Fakoly. It's a French guy who sings reggae in French, English and Spanish. it's amazing!! Tiken Jah Fakoly whoever mentioned horace andy, have you heard the stuff he did with massive attack? definitely worth buying!
  21. my dad asked for some slippers, or a genesis CD. we thought both ideas make a similar statement about him, so me and my brothers flipped for it. i got him the CD.
  22. hi folks, it's TV's Ben Swales here, we're meeting at half five now, by the green walls nr the harbour. i'll be doing a short autograph session and then the riding will commence. If you fancy seeing Ben Swales, of Ben Swales and Friends fame, you know where to be!
  23. fair one... might be another lad coming along aswell who's here visiting his mrs for the weekend. that's the way to do it - visit your bird, sack her off and go riding! see you tomorrow then lads.
  24. was thinking about this after those texts yesterday fred, and why on saturday? sheff's normally well busy on saturday, and yet everyone seems to ride there on a saturday. (how many times can i fit saturday into this post about riding in sheffield on a saturday?) i'll be riding of course, but just wondered about the logic behind it...
  25. nice one matt! provided a nice distraction from this presentation on contemporary theatre movements in France that i'm supposed to be writing! nice video all in all. some of the filming was excellent (mine) and some was quite good (the rest)... you'll be pleased to hear that i have at most one exam, so a visit up to your place is definitely on the cards. want to go back to spain aswell though, so i'll have to work it out! take it easy mate, i'm off back to write about notions of continuity in Vinaver's plays. YES!!
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