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Everything posted by MikeHayes

  1. Lads! Is the ride still on, been informed it has been cancelld
  2. I trust we won't be seeing anyone posting up topics saying ''Gaz Meredith...Scam Artist'' haha, didn't acure to me for one second Gaz had robbed anyone, Hes a top lad and a good friend of mine Cheers, Mike.
  3. Is it possible to get the police involved, I remember somebody telling me that if the person has willingly sent money off to somebody the theres nothing the Polive can do Anyway good look with getting your Parts/Money back! Cheers, Mike.
  4. Trials seems to drive me away from Coursework And things etc. It doesnt help me though it at all, Ride one day and I was meant to be doing coursework that day lol. Need to start putting trials aside sometimes! Mike...
  5. Loved it I know how you feel when your looking for a song for video, I'm still currently looking for one Agree with Kyle about some of the riding not your best, although the riding was awesome!! Song was ace, got there in the end. Need anyhelp looking for a song with next'un let me know pal, I will look around for you Look forward for your next vid, Keep up the shiz!! Cheers, Mike.
  6. That wouldn't work because Gaz has quit Trials, So can't see him being on any ride's any time soon. Cheers, Mike.
  7. If it rains you will be there on your own then.
  8. Oh yeah, Matt shall we catch the chesterfield train, Don't really feel like paying 7 boys to get there, from chesterfield its free ?? Cheers, Mike.
  9. Im there Pal !! See you Sat Cheers, Mike.
  10. Well, Thank F*** For that! It's What we've all been waiting for. Mike....
  11. Cool ride, Really good turn out, baring in mind I poped my brake on the first sidehop I did, I still enjoyed it Look forward to some more rides like today And Fred, You've got to come Mansfield sometime! Cheers, Mike.
  12. Cya all there Been stressed all day because bike was playing up, Didn't think I'd be able to go....But Thank F***, I managed Gonna Be Awesome!!! Cheers, Mike.
  13. Thats Ace, Proper good riding...Cheers Deonn, Good find Cheers, Mike.
  14. Yeah, You Only Kidding. Anyway Im deffo there now, Sorted Bike out !! Cheers, Mike.
  15. That was awesome, Loved the song. You seriously have got some skills my friend Who did the dancing, Made me laugh Looking forward to Biff Vid 5 Should be Amazing! Cheers, Mike.
  16. MikeHayes

    Danny Trailer

    I know, Joe was telling me someones done the same thing but with one of his other vids. Probly do it because they havn't got the song them selfs or know where to get it from.
  17. MikeHayes

    Danny Trailer

    Its deffo Joe, hes recorded Joe baxters song from one of his videos. I can tell because i can hear paddy in there as well.
  18. MikeHayes

    Danny Trailer

    Hes good but dont think hes good enough for a sponcer from Tartybikes And I'm sure I can hear someone saying ''Yeah Joe'' in the video Anyway pretty good
  19. I remember seeing that a while ago, belongs in the dump if you ask me
  20. --> QUOTE(joe b @ Feb 25 2007, 05:32 PM) ←Yeah just spoke to Fred - he said that he'll take us there but we'll have to make our own way back. However, he said its just a straight road so it's reet easy! Cheers, Joe . Shouldn't be too hard to get back. Oh yeah, When Jon gave me lift home in the van from nottingham yesterday, we went past BBC and it looked ace to ride, do you think we will be going past there next week ? Cheers, Mike
  21. --> QUOTE(joe b @ Feb 25 2007, 05:12 PM) ←Haha, i remember that . That was a good ride and so will this be - i can't wait ...Yeah, it does get rather boring, don't it, Mike? I'll tell you what... We'll go somewhere where you've never been and i've only been once. It's a fair ride away but it will definately make a change. It's called Nottingham University and we've got own personal escort. His name is Fred . Oh, i can't wait now. We're going to the big Uni . See you all there... Cheers, Joe. Yeah Joe, It's really is getting extremly boring. I'm well up for Nottingham University Sounds like it could be a very good day! Cheers, Mike
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