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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Hahaha, weel, at least unlike me he's not going pink...
  2. Any Kentians driving down? I'd love to go, no bike, so it'll be easy as to fit me in even the smallest of spaces...
  3. 320iS are only LHD, at least I thought...
  4. Haz

    Whats Your Bmi?

    Sumo wrestlers are incredible. Get some serious BMIage going on there, like 50 and shit, but they're still fitter than anyone i know.
  5. Ron Paul is a member of congress running for President with the Republican party.
  6. I woke up at 8, and thought, shit, I feel brilliant, no hangover, still got a buzz. Then I got out of bed and fell straight over. It was then I realised I was just still drunk... As such, I went back to bed.
  7. f**k, these bitches need a lot of puff, im spent, good night me me jose... EDIT: I only have one exam, this term is 6 weeks long at I have 3 lectures, suckmydickyetsaywut?
  8. I believe the current in phrase is 'tarp'.
  9. f**king bitch tagged along all night and didn't even get a thankyou fuc out of it. What a stupid whore. What does she think I am, a *free* male escort.
  10. Beach balls you say?! f**k yeah, beach balls. Do I deliver, or do I deliver?! f**k yeah, look at those beach balls. I'm at uni and don't have another lecture for another one and a half weeks. f**k yeah, Further Education FTMFW nga. f**k, let me blow one up, brb...
  11. f**k yeah. I'm back in my rightful place. I'm at uni, I'm drunk, I've got 3 awesome beach balls *pics to follow*. And I good looking girls in Bikinis galore. f**k yeah, hot weather and beach parties.
  12. Can't Hotlink 4chan...
  13. Yeah, you really have to sift through all the shit, but if you do, you're bound to find gold. There's a shit load of misconceptions about what's going on with the *chans and Anon. It's a fun place to be, but you have to keep your wits about you, and not get too sucked in. I don't post there, but read it frequently.
  14. I plan to aquire fashion taste similar to that as soon as I can, they are leading a front, against the frankly rediculous, baggy, comfy, jogging bottoms and tee-shirt which most people seem to be able to manage...
  15. Haz

    The Gta 4 Thread

    (Covered just incase it ruins someones life.) I should hope you could.
  16. Haz

    The Gta 4 Thread

    I don't know cool though. Have you read the sign there though?
  17. Haz

    New Camera

    Canon G9. Awesome camera.
  18. Haz

    The Gta 4 Thread

    Yeah, its coming. Sucks to own a PS3 right now.
  19. Haz

    The Gta 4 Thread

    No property in this game. Go to the heli tour place on the second island, shoot the pilot in the head (might aswell use a sniper then the police will be nowhere near the chopper when you want to take off), take chopper.
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