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Everything posted by Haz

  1. *await photos of pure awesome-ness* Rave/UV night, awesome... By await, I mean, wait till I find the frankly horrible, yet inevitable, photos of me on Facebook tomorrow... Those of you privalaged to work out Facebook, will get a first hand glance at the life od a tiresome/drunk/troll...
  2. It's the kind of star which can collapse into a black hole, creates very heavy elements. Will tell us a great deal about the life of stars and the creation of black holes. I'm a little dissapointed. But I guess it's a fair way from the pretty pictures they have of NASA photo of the day...
  3. Haz

    The Gta 4 Thread

    Ahh you star, cheers.
  4. Haz

    The Gta 4 Thread

    Anyone done the Packie bank robery mission? Any Health or Armor I can pick up on the way afterward?
  5. Well, I'd imagine it'll be on all the major news networks, who will stream it from the said feed.
  6. Haz

    Read In..

    McQueen > Dean You may as well hang around, only reason you'd be on here is if you enjoy it. I've thought the same thing, more than once, and at the end of the day it's still a pretty sweet place to e-hang out. Edit: Woah, board gone nuts.
  7. If my maths is any good it's about 5pm.
  8. I'm actually psyched. In a geeky way.
  9. If you have live and a mate with it, do it co-op, the story/other multiplayer is that fun at all, but co-op is enjoyable.
  10. Haz

    The Gta 4 Thread

    Yeah, pretty much.
  11. I imagine they will, like they did with the first, probably a year or so in between.
  12. Last time you posted, No-one cared. Nothing has changed.
  13. Actually, I better point out, click the smiley.
  14. It's so they can forward lie news cast feeds. But that's not the point. What have they found?! Gay Niggers From Out Of Space?
  15. Some love. Nice photos, wish I was there.
  16. NASA Press Release Wednesday Planet X? Comet? Water on another Planet? Aliens? Rick Waller?
  17. Got a level 40 Tank - Hunter on Silkroad, SOS sward, SOM amour, Wofl, etc... </geek>
  18. nga hasn't got his leg over in weeks, getting f**king bored.
  19. Shut the f**k up. What are we (collectively), your personaly dictionary? f**k sake.
  20. Conclusion: OBM is a b*****d.
  21. In for tomturd says RELAX tees!
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