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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Haz

    Caption Contest

    "Red X; It's what's for breakfast."
  2. Oh, you mean like any other sport or game in the world... I was the don at CoD4 when they did the open beta, then a friend convinced me to get it on PC. I did. I regret it. It is the game that convinced me FPSs on consoles do work. That doesn't include dull, generic shooters, with mediocre stories such as Halo.
  3. I only have GTA4. Damn I wish I had got CoD4 on 360, I will when the second hand price drops.
  4. Then proceed by performing the Thriller dance as 30 payed dancers (dressed as undead) come out of the bushes and complete the dance troop... I personally arrived on a microscooter, with faux rockets, wearing a cape over my suit, wearing swimming goggles. Jesus, that was 3 years ago now, and the images are still on TF, hahaha.
  5. Haz

    Alcohol Units

    Being drunk is our bodies coping with it. Acording to my bottle of Tesco Value Vodka, (£6.70 for 70cl, hahaha), 1 unit is 10ml of pure alcohol. I never knew that.
  6. Optimists believe this is the best possible world. Pessimists know it is. Silence is golden. Duck Tape is silver.
  7. Halo sucks dick, Danny. It really is rubbish.
  8. Pizzhut buffet, motherf**ker. Then tell her if she doesn't "eat a least 5 pizzas she is a greedy bitch", and that you "wish you had just given her the money because theres no f**king point if you dont gourge yourself into a cholesterol induced coma." Get up, throw the remains of your pizza at her, and walk out. Leaving her to foot the bill.
  9. Well, it may prove your point, but it entirely misses the irony which the statement would usually serve. So that kind of defeats the point really.
  10. Haz


    Benefits are fine. They jsut need to be monitored better and harsher on requirements.
  11. I just don't believe that at all. I work at racecourse, and the speed the 6 furlong sprinters is incredible. And somethign with such short legs and un aerodynamic shape has no hope of managing that.
  12. Because you are desperate to join night crew, why else?
  13. I really cant sleep. I don't have TV. There is nothing on 4oD I haven't seen. iPlayer is shit and won't work at uni. I have a 360, but I've played it too much recently and would like to play CS, but alas it's blocked at uni. Worst of all; THE CUNTING KETTLE WONT WORK!
  14. Haz

    Tf Awards

    That still doesn't change the fact, you have a lot of shoes. Which leads me to believe, you have a lurking axe wound. And probably mammaries. pics.
  15. Do eet. I've just finished watching a load of stuff on 4oD, now I'm going to was Apocalypse Now.
  16. Haz

    Tf Awards

    Night Crew™ in general. Jon, Dr. Nick and myself are always about.
  17. What is this tune, with the George Bush Drugs thing? Haha. Quality.
  18. To who. I can't be arsed to listen/watch.
  19. Haz

    Tf Awards

    On a serious note, most helpful, Tank_Rider, been awesome on TF, in real life, every time I have briefly spoken to him, the man is decent.
  20. Haz

    Tf Awards

    My votes for funniest member are TheCircus, Dr. Nick, OBM and of course Dr. Nick And I happily put myself forward as most likely to return to TF drunk. With 85 posts in the drunk thread, to yoyoyo's 72.
  21. Nah, I've got my 180watt bass amp with my at uni, and I have had 3 people staying in my room on more than one occasion. Just do it.
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