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Everything posted by Haz

  1. I fully aprove of this film.
  2. Interpol - The Heinrich Maneuver
  3. Haz


    Do it, you will not regret it when you have them off. You'll feel so much more confident. I had braces when I was 13, which isn't really the same, but if I hadn't, I'd have been bummed my teeth were crooked by now.
  4. Haz

    Top Gear

    Looking forward to this.
  5. I know exactly what I'm doing. I have seen Home Alone.
  6. Haz


    I put condoms on carrots.
  7. Haz

    New Tattoos

    I want ANDY tattood on the sole of my foot. f**k yeah, Toy Story rules!
  8. The guy is a complete twunt. I can't stand him and what he is doing to the sport.
  9. You say that like it's a good thing.
  10. Very odd, I feel sorry for Kimi.
  11. Card counting is so much more complex than that film makes it look.
  12. They're like velociraptors with wings, f**k!
  13. <essay> (cross post with ANGRY thread) Had a quality night (and I do mean quality, not too drunk, not too full, good music, etc). Pub --> Bar --> Club Few drinks, not a lot, went back to friend flat, but left with some other friends from the club, walked with them. They (being the normal friends) shut the door. So I snuck round the back. Climbed in the window. (As any wannabe ninja would.) *pop* Out pops my RIGHT patella. Turns out symetry isn't the universal lie I thought, and genetically, if you are shit on one side, you are shit on the other. So tomorrow is ArtsFest. AKA a 2pm till 2am party, which I had massive plans for. And they will still be going ahead. But I will be on crutches. And as a side. A nice dose of painkillers. Thus, no booze. Thus, the last party of my first year at uni, being disabled. Which is ironic, because I dislocated my LEFT knee during freshers week. So, the phrase, start as you mean to go on, rings a bell well in tune with how I am feeling. I am well and truely f**ked off. Twin that with the girl you like saying she likes someone else (who you belive to be a right twat, along with all your friends and her friends), and you could say tonight was what scientists are calling "pretty gay". I have been sleeping 'well' recently, about 10 hors a night, but that goes from 7pm till 5am. What the f**k. Uni life doesn't start till 2pm earliest. So I'm f**ked there too. I really want to go to the DJ ride tomorrow, but it's £35 quid and 4 hours on the train I just can't afford. Had I gone home a few days earlier, I could have done it for under a tenner and 30 mins train. *more which I deleted, because to be honest, I will write in my mad gay diary of love* </essay>
  14. Haz

    Jobs At Uni

    End of the day. I'm not going to be an architect until I have a Masters and a RIBA Diploma, which I can only get from university. Not many people can say that for there profession.
  15. Import whatever insane craze Japan has next. Look what it did for the guy who imported Micro Scooters. He was 17 when he became a millionaire. Finding that something is the hard part.
  16. Exactly what I thought!
  17. Just got in, eurgh, I'm smashed.
  18. Haz

    Jobs At Uni

    Same. I don't know what course you are doing, but a lot won't give you the time to be working 20 hours+ a week.
  19. Who was riding? 2 guys, both stocks, one echo, don't know t'other, couldn't stop, was going to pub. Would have been at about 2pm. Just interested...
  20. Need a member group for regular inhabitants of the Lat Night Thread.
  21. I went to bed at 8 last night, and got up at 7 this morning. I am awesome.
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