Just becuase I didn't pay, I don't see why I should be renegated to 1.3kbps...
I've never even heard of them...
Youtube Video ->
">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
No, gets a Flare Gun, instead of the shotgun, new flamethrower, new features on old flamethrower, and better axe.
Look pretty awesome, the achievements look much more managable than the Medic ones aswell.
/b/ has changed.
it's no longer about original content, epic GETs, and win
it's an endless series of reposts, perpetuated by newfags and trolls
fail - and its consumption of /b/, has become an unstoppable cancer.
/b/ has changed.
Free weekend on Team Fortress 2. Here is how;
1. Download and install Steam here.
2. Download and install Team Fortress 2.
3. Add combat_wombat88 to your Steam Friends.
4. Join me on a server.
5. Get owned.
6. ???
7. Profit.
Most computers will run it, it's a good laugh, it's free this weekend (all though, only for this weekend), and most of all, I can't walk, so what else am I meant to do, I fancy toasting some newbs with the new Pyro update, and you lot fit the bill spot on.
If we get enough people, maybe 12 or so, I can runa server, and we can play a TF TF2 game.
The UK is over populated. There simply is not enough physical space for us to grow the crops needed to supply the population.
That's why we waste so much transporting stuff.
The only way to stop the problem is to spread out and split into smaller communities. Like that of a the BedZED, it's about the best solution for our houses, as it represents the closest to a self sustaining being we have, and despite being projections, these figures add up for themselves.
This stuff needs to start now, or we screwed, yo!
What's up in the place, motherf**kers?!
Just spent the last 4 hours of my pathetic one legged life on TF2, and this is what I have to show for it.
I'm happy, I was owning! And insulting little children along the way!