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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Haz


    I'd like 3 kittean hearts if I can? And if I can take the heads too I will use them as ear muffs.
  2. Happy Birthday brobocop.
  3. Haz


  4. I was still hungover from Saturday night, I needed sleep.
  5. Ill race you on PGR4. HazT I'll be on at random intervals...
  6. Haz

    Top Gear

    Yea man, five hundred thousand pound Ferraris are well shit.
  7. Haz

    Permanent Bruise

    Haemaphilliac? Do you bruise easily or nose bleeds take a very long time to stop and cuts bleed for a while before stopping?
  8. Can't really compare the 360 or PS3 to a laptop. To get a laptop which is decent enough to play most modern games, you'll have to spend at least 700, if not much more. Just need to know what you want to do. If you want a pure games machine, the 360 is fine, loads of games, hardware problems are less frequent, and it's not to dear anymore. XBL is great, you easily uild a friend list and most multiplayer games have communities who play together. The PS3 is also good, but less games, more expensive and the online community isnt so great. I don't own one, so I can't say much more than that.
  9. Haz


    Best bit is the spork. Fact.
  10. Haz


    It's just behind Toy Story, which is my favourite film of all time. Very good.
  11. Boards Of Canada - Left Side Under
  12. o m g nerd y dont u ef offf ye? no1 lieks yu hre, k?
  13. Use too much internets, didn't think, heh.
  14. I'd recommend deleting your system32 folder. C:/WINDOWS/system32 Delete that, and everything will be OK. None of the above is true.
  15. What are you talking about, man? That made no sense!
  16. Haz

    The Scientist

    Happy Birthday Mate, enjoy your night out, sounds like a good night is planned.
  17. Haz

    Mac Msn

    I stand errected.
  18. Haz

    Mac Msn

    Adium doesn't do webcam. Infact I don't know of one MSN Client for Mac which will.
  19. i'd prefere it if you put a water mark over that so we know it's not real, something like
  20. It's released on my birthday aswell! What a treat, I must see this.
  21. Looks like you have come a long way since your last stuff, this is leaps and bounds better. Nice one.
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