It's about eBays new feedback and money holding system. The idea is as follows; To protect the buyer, having payed the money goes into a holding account. The seller sends the item, safe in the knowledge that the money is safe. When the buyer recieves the item they leave feedback. eBay release the money in holding and everyone is happy. However, if you say the item did not arrive, the money is returned. So it's easy to scam as follows; Bid high. What's more tempting than way more money than you were expected. Send the money to the holding account. Seller sends item. Buyer recieves item. Buyer leaves it a while. Buyer says item never arrived, where is my money. Money is returned to the buyer. Seller crys because they were conned. That's a pretty short/reduced detail concept. But it works. So my advice would be to send it asap and collect your moneys.