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Everything posted by Haz

  1. I got a fever, and the only cure, is more cowbell.
  2. So what can you do on a guitar that you can't do on a bass?
  3. You are such a fag. One day I will drink you under the sea.
  4. The only feature I wish iTunes had is a music queue. I really miss that from WinAmp and others. iTunes is fine, it's dead easy, and if you look after your library (which isnt exactly hard) all you need to do is create a playlist with whatever songs you want and tell it to put whatever is on that playlist on your ipod. If you have a lot of music, you can chop and change tracks much faster than having to drag and drop. If I only want 5000 out of 10000 songs, its much easier to put them in a playlist than it is to work my way through all the artist and album subfolders jsut to drag and drop. For a a 2Gb mp3 player I'm sure drag and drop is fine, but when you are messing around with 80Gb and you want to make sure you have room to use it as a portable HDD, and have a few videos and photos on there. I can manage it all from iTunes, so easily, so why wouldn't I?
  5. Haz


    Go f**k yourself! Happy Birthday Fatty!
  6. They are so wrong if they think I'm going to install that software.
  7. Haz

    Djing Name

    The Club; Join It. Your point; I don't get it.
  8. Haz

    Djing Name

    These 'gigs', were they at your grans 80th, and were you playing 'hang out the washing on the siegfried line'?
  9. Haz

    Djing Name

  10. Haz

    Djing Name

  11. New Bloc Party album, pretty decent so far.
  12. Haz

    Do You Believe?

    Probs some basic plant life out there somewhere. Could never be sure.
  13. Used to tag along with him at the Hampshire comps when I first started, truely a fun laid back guy, my condolences to family and friends. RIP
  14. Burn. Now in Admin flavour.
  15. The Go! Team - Ladyflash Was Girl Talk.
  16. http://fantasticcontraption.com/?designId=286066 is awesome.
  17. I see it reached it's intended audience.
  18. http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=746612
  19. Haz

    New Tattoos

    You're probably right, I'd be too busy laughing.
  20. You'd make a badass marathon runner. You've all ready got the spindly legs. EDIT: I can't type.
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