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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Maybe if we cancel christmas, she will die?
  2. Seriously, someone get Castle Crashers and play Co-Op with me, it's so awesome...
  3. Argh it wont let me DL the maps from the CoD4 website, WTF, so much for game of the year edition...
  4. Allright you slags I'll take you all on.
  5. CoD4 is here, just waiting for the boys at UPS to drop off my xbox and it's game on.
  6. I would have a field day in NMC if a system like that came into effect.
  7. Nah, the dpi is horrible, everything looks huge meaning if your up close you may aswell just have a smaller screen. You can easily pick up a 20" widescreen for £150, with a nice high res and decent specs, you probably wouldnt be able to tell the difference between them and a LCD TV, except the better viewing when you are up close.
  8. Speaking of Crysis, the new one is wicked, enjoying it a lot more than the first, seems more about the story/game than the tech, which is nice.
  9. Not always, Dell sometimes have some pretty sweet offers and stuff. But for the most part with a little research you can build a rig which is much better suited for a fair bit less money.
  10. Will be on tomorrow so long as my xbox and cod4 comes.
  11. Something about not being in the best interests of TF or TartyBikes if he were a senior member or a mod on here, so he made a new account, without such privalages, so that the playing field might be even.
  12. Haz

    The Heroes Thread

    dawt Pirate Bay has it, so most places will have it by now.
  13. My mum asked me what I wanted just now. I replied, not you aswell, and left, I can't be dealing with this stuff.
  14. Uh-huh, and I made the first LOLcat, welcome to the internet, circa 1999.
  15. I'm going to go with, 'one of your mates'?
  16. Ha, completed it on PC on Veteran, I'll go right back and do it again when I get it on 360
  17. Bored so I'm listing games I can pwn everyone at; Ace Combat 6 Beautiful Katamari Burnout Paradise Call of Duty 4 Castle Crashers Crackdown The Darkness Forza 2 GRAW NFS:Most Wanted PGR3 PGR4 Rainbow6 Vegas Rainbow6 Vegas 2 As soon as my piece of crap is back...
  18. Whatever time it was turned off +~24 hours
  19. Got a friend who has completed the career on expert, 90% or above on all songs
  20. THe only way American Football could be worse is if I had to play it on the 360. It's just shit. In other news, I will be soon buyin Geom Wars2, Castle Crashers, and Worms.
  21. Autum update. All the blades will be gone, new resolutions supported such as 1680*1050, complete change to the market place, to media and everything, it's a total overhaul! GH games are such a grind. At least you guys have your Xboxes! Mine appears to be somewhere between Frankfurt and London at the moment...
  22. Christmas is only from the 25th of Decemeber to the 6th of January. September 28th is not between those dates, as such I have no interest in the fact you want a new iPod. Enjoy your wait.
  23. Will be killing you guys with my golden AK by the end of the week, xbox is on its way home, CoD4 is in the post, and my 1 year live card has just been emailed to me...
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