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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Haz

    Xbox Or Ps3

    Soul Calibur 4 is better. These links will give you a good idea what's going on with exclusive titles. PS3 Xbox 360 Check out those lists, buy whichever one has the most titles you want. Seems to be the deal clincher for most people.
  2. Haz

    Xbox Or Ps3

    Right now? PS3 every time. Why? LittleBigPlanet. What? You heard.
  3. You didn't get them for English either.
  4. Got a green card yet? Because if you do, you can piss off to OTN so we dont have to put up with your bullshit any more.
  5. I'm guessing you'll want a screen and such to go with? Or do you have those anyway?
  6. Joined a game with Jon and xbox froze for the 11tyth time today. Going to try again.
  7. How many lights are on? I'm going to guess 3.
  8. My S-class TWAT GT3 is unstoppable! Yeah I could be, go on at say half past 2? I'm on now. Let's race.
  9. Ep4 was quality, the exhaustless Capri sounded quality!
  10. Proud owner of every car on Forza 2. Just the auction house cars and 1 million OL Credits to go.
  11. Haz

    Where In The Uk?

    St. Margrets Bay On Cliffe.
  12. Haz

    The Heroes Thread

    Yeah, maybe, I don't know, I don't write the stuff. You just have to wait and see.
  13. Haz

    The Heroes Thread

    I guess, but the chances are super slim because it would be hard to undo what they did in the past. And we have only seen evidence of Nikki's strength when the personalities are shown, not the frost or what-not, which that woman (I have no idea what her name is, hurr) has only just discovered. Oh and the fact she was so shocked when she saw 'herself' giving a private lap-dance to Nathan Petrelli...
  14. Haz

    The Heroes Thread

    We don't know yet, his power could be evolving? In the past someone said 'it got so much more', regarding his abilities. Or he could could have been that paint stuff on his face is the stuff (or similar too) which Suresh (doctor guy) has made from the blood of that hot mexican chick - Maya. They are triplets, one of them, Nikki (mother of the black kid - mika), has multiple personalities, but always incredible strength. We have not met the third.
  15. You can but to really get into it you'll need a HDD and a Headset. Any ethernet cable will work, and you can jsut go from there really.
  16. Haz

    The Heroes Thread

    Essentially Hiro needs to become way more badass, because he is by far the best character. Cool working out how the future will line up with the present. Best season start so far imo.
  17. Who gives a shit? He probably said it jsut to make everyone do exactly this.
  18. Yeah, I will do, just did the cargo ship mockup in 19 seconds dead. This pleases me as my PB on PC was 19.8
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