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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Haz

    Mac Problems

    What he said. However, I disagree about free internet being decent a trade off. While 3G is quick, it's not WiFi quick, so you'll use WiFi more. If you are talking about the c905, I pick mine up friday, with any luck.
  2. Diamonds and Guns - The Transplants
  3. Haz

    Mac Problems

    Sure, they are good, but there are better ways to go about it than to take out a bad contract with O2.
  4. a.k.a not a pansy/poof/quiche eater/pilow biter/rug muncher
  5. If you say you'd cry if you lost your work, you're essentially admitting that you'd cry when I deleted your work and didn't tell you it was me. That means I win, this is pleasing.
  6. Haz

    The Heroes Thread

    Yeah, certainly sounds viable. I'm pretty certain he was part of the company along with Daniel Linderman, Angela Petrelli and Kaito Nakamura, who was hospitialised because he wanted to do something with the formula, by the others. As to what, I don't know, I think the formula is probably something to do with the giving/taking of powers.
  7. That some one would point that out and I'd look a fool shortly after posting.
  8. In Reading there's a place called Shake Away, who unsuprisingly sell milkshakes. You choose your sweets/biscuits/stuff, they put them in milkshake, you pay, everyone wins. Smarties with extra smarties, hell yeah.
  9. I personally thought that was some textbook e-thuggery. Use of quotations, suggesting to meet up and settle differences, powerful close which lets them know you mean business. 9/10
  10. Haz

    The Heroes Thread

    Tse question is, why did Angela put her husband in hospital ( ), and what is he planning?
  11. Haz

    Xbox Or Ps3

    Nah, Surf is about as easy as it gets compared to Wax off, I always get to about 80% and then die. Treaty aswell, the snakes make it impossible.
  12. Haz


    Multiple Sclerocis is my charity of choice at the moment.
  13. We should all go on a team building weekend and do assault courses and stuff.
  14. I certainly did, it was a Circle.
  15. Now you are arguing over an arguement. Some people need to take this forum less seriously, and equally some need to take it more seriously.
  16. Could be in for a piece of that action, I'll see what's happening. Nice mix by the way, seem to get better every time. Although I'm not so much a fan of the techno.
  17. Haz

    Xbox Or Ps3

    Nah, M$ have been dicking us around since the start, I can't stand the way thry treat consumers. Looking at some of the frankly incredible user levels on youtube, which have been made in the beta, not even the released product, it's definately a game which would keep me entertained for long periods of time. I'm the don at PGR4. You should get a live subscription... NB. How the hell did you manage to get Wax Off on GW:E2? Can't do it for the life of me.
  18. That doesnt work. Trust me. I'm a vet.
  19. I just watched Batman Begins, for the 11tyth time...
  20. au contraire, more stupid comments ahoy!

  21. Haz

    Xbox Or Ps3

    Nah, I want MGS4 and a few other games on PS3 aswell.
  22. What time do you normally get up?
  23. Haz

    Xbox Or Ps3

    Except that you are totally overlooking LittleBigPlanet, which will be almost the sole reason I will own a PS3 before christmas.
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