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Everything posted by Haz

  1. You're right, it's a farse. I'm sorry, I'm let you all down.
  2. Not really, reading a good rant is a laugh and seeing what has made people happy is always good reading, whether its something they bought or something someones done. I have little/no interest in someone needing a poo, but not being bothered to go.
  3. If by forum, you mean 'boswell-esque', why yes, yes it is.
  4. The term you are looking for is 'ambivalent'. This is The Ambivalent Thread.
  5. Haz

    Xbox Or Ps3

    f**king sweet. The narative could do with a little work, but it's going well and the side missions are cool. Flamethrower is so much fun, as is the RPG, Grenades, Molotov Cocktails and IEDs.
  6. Haz

    Xbox Or Ps3

    You've played nearly 9 days of CoD4, you have no right to call me sad.
  7. Far Cry 2 is sweet. The world is insane.
  8. Haz

    Xbox Or Ps3

    Not really, they are both good. Anyone can be good at PGR4, it's jsut easy arcade fun, for those that want the full race experience, Forza is better. Trust me, I've played both a lot.
  9. Not really. Not now anyway, not after what you said...
  10. Dead Space Fable 2 Fallout 3 Mirror's Edge Gears of War 2 CoD:Whore Shaun White Snowboarding Prince of Persia Are a few which interest me, and thats just 360 LittleBigPlanet on the PS3 Left 4 Dead Red Alert 3 for PC Thank goodness for 25% staff discount.
  11. Yeah, I was psyched for all that stuff, and I enjoyed the first one two.
  12. Haz

    The Heroes Thread

    I imagne they would screen people, and only give powers to those with 'safe' powers. Flying being one of those.
  13. Such a bunch of c**ts. Got to send off my console for repair again. Fortunately the indian lady understood the term 'legal action' and offered to do it free, as a priority service. Still a complete PITA though.
  14. Or not, xbox locks up every time I try to use it. Calling Microsoft now. f**kers.
  15. Obviously all three, and Dead space as well. Just got in from work. BBL, playing Far Cry 2.
  16. Haz

    Xbox Or Ps3

    Which you a free to fill with as many hopes and dreams as you like.
  17. protip: 1. get chocolate digestive 2. place upside on a plate 3. nuke in microwave 4. get chocolate swiss roll 5. slice 6. place on melted chocolate 7. get contreau or similar booze 8. dollop on swiss roll 9. get clotted cream 10. dollop on swiss roll 11. ????????? 12. profit
  18. You'd need to have proof you actually had a social life before to have grounds to sue.
  19. There's a place near me called 'Shake Away'...
  20. I'm going to go with OAPs, but I could be wrong.
  21. I will be on about as soon as I'm home from work, but adding now. Can't decide between the special edition and regular version. Annoyed because I can't get Fable 2 aswell due to an epic phonebill.
  22. Far Cry 2 tomorrow, got the afternoon off work so I'll be playing it then, been waiting for this game for ages.
  23. Haz

    Xbox Or Ps3

    And the fact it's published by Sony...
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