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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Check out the CIA World Fact Book 2008. Here. Invaluable in finding out about world issues and what's going on where. It will be a vital resource in your preparation for your interview and your selection. At least I've found it really helpful so far.
  2. Well whenever, that's what will happen next. They're pretty good at letting you know what's going on when.
  3. First you'll have a Presentation, in maybe a month or so, they'll go through some basic stuff with you like what you need to know for your interview, what you should expect at the interview, through selection, and through your basic training. After you've done that you'll be given the opportunity to ask questions and book an interview. I'm not sure when that will be for you, but AFCOs open on the 5th of Jan, so I'll be phoning them to book my interview. First selection is march, so if you read up on what is required of you in terms of fitness you'll be able to start training now if you haven't all ready.
  4. I've got an interview in the next few weeks. What are you looking at doing?
  5. It's the same picture, it's just the other way round.
  6. I don't dis-believe he did most of them. I disbelieve he did the one which has all the filters on it, because of the different picture which has been posted on the top of the image, and he hasn't done that on the rest of his work.
  8. That's not the same at all, that's the same car, yes, but the style is completely different. You are being called out, prove you can photoshop/paintshop pro cars like the orange one you posted, or stop plagiarising other people's work.
  9. Haz

    Name A Fruit!

    I'm pretty certain that's not a fruit.
  10. And I, I remember the days.
  11. Just got off CoD5. lulz clan now recruiting, no skillz required, only killing annoying children.
  13. We make online win. ALL YOU DO IS DRAG RACE.
  14. Haz


    iPlayer plugin on XBMC?
  15. I do mean some outher time, yes.
  16. You won't be able to play xbox games, but that shouldnt be a problem.
  17. You need to take your current drive apparnt anyway, so why not hook it up to that one? Anyway, game sell pre-owned HDDs for like 20 quid or something.
  18. I've hacked my hard drive from 20Gb to 120Gb which is the largest supported by the xbox. It's not perfect, but it's more tha worth it for the price and size increase. You need a Western Digital 120Gb BEV drive (ebuyer sell them) A free sata port A DoS USB boot stick A 120Gb drive boot dump A copy of HDDHackr And about an hour
  19. Even without a case? IE, just a laptop hard drive.
  20. Haz

    New Years?

    Become the largest UK retailer of crystal meth to the under 5s.
  21. Microsoft won't give my xbox back. So I have to buy a new one. Gonna' buy one tomorrow, staff discount, then trade in the controller, memory card, anything I can, to recoup my losses...
  22. You might not scratch the wall with one of those, but with best part of 70 kilos dropping on such a small area, it's now to the wall whether its doing to loose a chunk.
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