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Everything posted by Haz

  1. 2100 go for about £17.50 in most shops
  2. Yeah it's 800 points, and it's designed to make people think about their names, before they have something retarded. It's almost impossible to get a decent PSN ID because people just keep changing their name and setting up a new account.
  3. Haz

    Story Time?

    So this kid I know...
  4. There are, but no shop will buy it from you for £550. Gumtree is pretty good.
  5. The War of the Worlds - Jeff Wayne, start to finish.
  6. It's usually pretty quick, when I've got mine off ebay, it's taken no longer than 2 hours for the code to come.
  7. Hell no, £45 is a total rip. DrDoom has the right idea.
  8. Ebay, usually about 30 quid.
  9. Either way, this isn't the drunk thread, and it's not 2AM.
  10. Sounds like your NAT is too strict, there are guides and stuff if you Google xbox NAT settings.
  11. I'm top 1000 in the world on pikes peaks full. Was not far off top 500 at one point, need to get on that to be honest.

  13. Haz


  14. I've never found any strings which will last the same amount of time after boiling as new strings, and never sound as good.
  15. You can do it to any strings if they are wound, but most guitars only have 3 wound strings, so it's not a lot of benefit. Besides, it lasts about 10 minutes anyway and still doesn't sound as good as a new set of strings...
  16. I tried it, but it dodn't really work as I was playing New Super Mario Bros on my DS at the time...
  17. I'll leave you too it for a few days man, don't want to ruin it for you. Looking for someone to play through Professional with.
  18. Haz


    "Meanwhile Brawn GP has Virgin on board, well for two races at least but the cooperation is likely to continue since Branson has financed the Barcelona update package. Allegedly the upgrade will make the jaws of the other team drop and it will be something they won't be able to copy." From F1 forums.
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