Game stores allready have thier pre order gifts in, if you pre order now you get a free Modern Warfare 2 A3 poster. The last one has average specs for the times, so as long as you are dual core, more than 1GB of RAM and 512MB Graphics card (38xx ATi or 8x00 nVidea), I see no reason why it won't run. November 10th is the current date.
If there was one which had six hours battery life, (wireless off, low screen brightness, etc not a problem), I'd probably go for a netbook, but I've not seen any proof any of them do, so I think I'll wait.
No, that only concerns people on deaths door. This concerns otherwise 'healthy' people, who feel their illness/condition/disability is too great fro them to bear. Full body paralasis, Multiple Sclerocis, etc.