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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Haz


    Pronounced dead now, officially, according to the LA time. Interested to see who are actually getting facts right atm.
  2. It's not like they don't flash for 20 minutes or so before they run out of batteries...
  3. Haz


    Sick jokes begin in 3, 2, 1...
  4. Haz


    BBC News haven't confirmed it yet, but if they do, it's here... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/8119951.stm
  5. Haz


    Just saw this. Heart attack, brutal.
  6. Because all the other missions weren't clue enough.
  7. There are hundreds of video walkthroughs, if youa re that stuck.
  8. Number 1 poster biz-nitch.
  9. I don't know about my 1080p.
  10. There's Jason Plato aswell...
  11. In fairness, they have more presenters than they actually have cars per show. The only people I remember are Tiff Needell and Vick Butler-Henderson, because they are both ex-Top Gear...
  12. Haz

    Fathers Day

    I ordered him a new shell for his RC helicopter, but it hasnt come.
  13. DR is the best online source, but in terms of terrestrial televison, 5th gear is about the best show on there. That's Ross Noble, he's not a presenter, he's a comedian.
  14. I shit trains. What next? Oh yeah, bed...
  15. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that was, on thw whole, a 'meh' episode. The challenge was dull, the Evora review was short and un-informative, the stig thing was amusing, but I knew Schumacher was involed because that is his FXX. And I've forgotten what else happened because it was so mundane. I'll keep watching, because it's Top Gear and I've watched through it's various formats since I was about 7. But for now 5th Gear gets the nod in terms of actual car stuff.
  16. Michael Bay makes me wank to assault every sense I have with a blowtorch. But yeah, I'll probably end up downloading it at some point.
  17. I live just down the road from Broadmore Criminal Lunatic Asylum. Wiki here. It's pretty fun because there's a hill behind it which means you can see over the walls.
  18. I did a paper round for 10er a week before I bought my first trials bike. It took forever but I used to come home from shcool and ride until dinner, then go back out.
  19. I heard only pricks can't prick.
  20. It certainly doesn't strike me as being difficult? On a physical level at least, the morality of it leaves me confused, as there are a lot of people I would like to stab...
  21. "I think knives are a good idea. Big, f**k-off shiny ones. Ones that look like they could skin a crocodile. Knives are good, because they don't make any noise, and the less noise they make, the more likely we are to use them. Shit 'em right up. Makes it look like we're serious. Guns for show, knives for a pro."
  22. Allen Carr is a douchenozzle.
  23. I have one exceptionally good screen and one exceptionally bad screen. The latter being free, so yeah, it's vga.
  24. That's what I do, and have done on every card I've run since I've gone dual screen.
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