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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Work at 12 tomorrow, so it's all good really.
  2. I still need a copy of Mr. Brown.
  3. I've seen this illusion so many times I can switch which way it is spinning. But it always looks like it's on the left foot.
  4. Interesting, wonder if that's how they are doing the rest of the bans?
  5. You have heard about all the Halo bans, right?
  6. They design themselves. Deng is the name of the mystical force which makes it all happen.
  7. Haz


    Laser Picos are fail. I currently have a Topper, which is somewhere in the garden. But I used to sail Lasers and Hobie's pretty regularly. Then my dad bought a Taser, which was simply too big for the lake and my dad was fed up with the lake asking to use it and left it in shit condition, so we gave that to our cousins. I haven't sailed in a while, do to the local lake being turned into a fishing reserve, WTF?!
  8. Trials Forums does science lolz.
  9. Haz

    Ps3 Slimline

    The fact it's not a smeary dust magnet with fan vents in the top makes it a winner for me. The size is much nicer, as it takes up less room on my desk, and looks much more discreet.
  10. Haz

    Ps3 Slimline

    Biggest reason I bought one.
  11. Bottle of petrol, matches, bush. 'Nuf said.
  12. Haz


    I had a fricken awesome dream while having a nap earlier. It's the only dream I have remembered in perhaps 10 years or so. If that's what my dreams are like, I'm missing out.
  13. Drink bowling is good. Buy a 4 pint pitcher each(you will need more), then play a game of bowling, for every pin knocked down, you add a finger of drink to a glass. As soon as you see another play fill thier glass, you may shout 'Gutterball', 'Spare' or 'Strike'. Gutterballs allow the person to pour half of their drink onto another player. If gutterball is called the last player to exclaim 'Gutterball!' recieves the drink, at which point 'Spare' rules take place, and the reciever downs half their drink. Spares are half the pint downed. You may call spare at any time. Strikes are full pints downed. You may only call strike when the player strikes. If the player bowling scores a gutterball, spare or strike whilst bowling, they may either pass thier drink on, challenge someone else to spare, or to strike thier drinks. If a player can not complete downing a 'spare' or 'strike', they foul, which means next round they must attempt to 'spare' or 'strike' again, which continues until they succeed. It's not so bad as long as everyone is on the same drink.
  14. Ahhh, it's a deep burn. I don't know if you heard me counting, I did over 1000...
  15. Hi, this is Jimmy Page and this DJ is insane.
  16. If you're not fighting with people who have opposing hobbies to yours, you're not doing it right.
  17. The brake on my bmx is as good as if not better than most mountain bike brakes, and my bmx has cost me significantly less than my trials bike set up. As for being less hassle, I don't really get that. A bmx is as simple as it gets, with an MTB you could have all manor of gears and suspension set ups.
  18. So many photos, so little time to edit, they will be up soon...
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