f**ken shortest game ever, a few golden levels (e.g. the airbase,) a few really filler levels (e.g. the fighting through the suburbs). The fact it sqewed so far from reality annoyed me, felt more like Ghost Recon than Modern Warfare. Looking forward to going through on veteran + completing all the co-op levels. Doubt I'll play much MP though.
Run out? I think not... The brown boxes at the top are all MW2, there is another rack the same size full of the Veteran Editions, and the racks are 2 stacks deep...
I am working for the midnight launch. Gotta go back to the shop for 10. I wasn't convinced at first, but having played it, I can safely say I will be buying, the SP/co-op is bitching. I may even play a little MP. Only question is, PS3 or 360...
Was playing it today at work, the actual feel of the game is solid, and what I've seen of the story is killer. I plan to get it when it drops in price/when people start trading everything in for MW2. I had a wheel for F2, just found I was more consistant with a controller. Lots of fun though.