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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Je ne parlez pas au francais.
  2. The biopots are f**k'n epic. Real yoghurt, and oats and raisins and whatnot in the corner. The fruit ones are a little sweet. And the crunch ones are all too sweet.
  3. The Boxer - Simon & Garfunkel Aww yeah.
  4. Haz

    The Year 2009

    Nothing good has happened to me all year. Nothing bad has happened to me all year. I wrote a plan of what I wanted from life, the universe and everything. I then shut my note pad and next year I get to tick off what I have done on said list. List is about 200 paragraphs long and lists all my aspirations for the next five years. 2010 will be the year I realise what I want to do and I'd get on and do it.
  5. Haz

    Our New Kittens

    I see you left your funny at the shop, give them a call tomorrow and perhaps they can help you find it.
  6. This mah house. Offering a pretty sick prize for whoever guesses what.
  7. What has been seen, can not be un-seen. Oh god.
  8. I'm all up in this bitch.
  9. That's the thing, it's not good, the thumb sticks are awkward and the triggers are useless, I'd rather have buttons. Microsoft have changed thier controller because they realise they can improve upon old designs. Sony dont give a shit, so they added wireless and some excuse for triggers and went on counting thier money.
  10. "Every possible", as in, 'If I can get it without prestiging, I will.' Completed Commando Pro VI not long a go, which means roughly 1/5 of my kills are knife kills. Fantastic.
  11. The PS3 controller is a sack of junk which hasnt changed since they first released dual shock controllers. Other than the D-pad the 360 controller is better in every way.
  12. I don't plan to prestige, but I am goin to complete every challenge and get every possible title and emblem.
  13. Just solo'd 'Breach & Clear' on veteran in 24.60seconds. w00t.
  14. Me and Dr. Nick are beasting Spec Ops.
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