I've got a Centrino based laptop, how easy will it be to have the Mac wired into my lan and use an ad hoc wireless connection to get the net on my laptop? Very easy, with the right equipment, If the Mini is going to be the main computer, you would need an airport extreme station, if it will use a previously set up WiFi LAN, then all you need is the Airport card, which I think is standard.
I've also got a 20gb plug and play (in xp, anyway) mp3 player. Will i be able to use this as a portable hard drive like i can on my laptop (without any software) What make, most are, so long as they are set up as a portable storag device, I'm not 100% about conpatability between iTunes and Mp3 players other than iPods, it may be ok.
Are there any good bittorent clients for osx? Not sure, as I don't use them, but I know for definate there are loads of different clients. Jon M could probably advise you on that.