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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Haz

    Mac Mini

    The port in the Mini is really just a receiver rather than a broadcaster, you would need a station to broadcast. I think it would be easier to keep your laptop on the main network rather than branch it from your Mac. As for the Mp3 player I will have a looksee...
  2. Haz

    Mac Mini

    There are millions of cheap third party mice for Macs, they have to be USB though. Indeed it is, but unless they have got a fan somewhere that I can't see it, I think it will cook itself. In fact, you could probaly cook an egg on the top of it if needs be... :blink: *Goes on quest to find fan* Edit2: *Ends quest to find fan* I was wrong then...
  3. Haz

    Mac Mini

    *Ctrl+click* :blink:
  4. Haz

    Mac Mini

    I've got a Centrino based laptop, how easy will it be to have the Mac wired into my lan and use an ad hoc wireless connection to get the net on my laptop? Very easy, with the right equipment, If the Mini is going to be the main computer, you would need an airport extreme station, if it will use a previously set up WiFi LAN, then all you need is the Airport card, which I think is standard. I've also got a 20gb plug and play (in xp, anyway) mp3 player. Will i be able to use this as a portable hard drive like i can on my laptop (without any software) What make, most are, so long as they are set up as a portable storag device, I'm not 100% about conpatability between iTunes and Mp3 players other than iPods, it may be ok. Are there any good bittorent clients for osx? Not sure, as I don't use them, but I know for definate there are loads of different clients. Jon M could probably advise you on that. :blink:
  5. Haz

    The Telescope Game

    Yeah, up to level 17 at least, it's well hard... :blink:
  6. Haz

    The Telescope Game

    Haha, ages ago that was on the Dyson wesite and instead of the weird animations in between the levels it had vacuum adverts...
  7. Kinda ruins the effect when you have a black cursor... :blink:
  8. I take it you use something like DivX player?
  9. M$ is what we were trying to avoid. :o Even though you can't, God'amn *.wmv files, you can convert *.wma files, but ohhh no, not bloody video files, so you have to use the most useless program ever, Windows Media 9. *shudders* Other than that, Macs rule! :o
  10. Or, get a Mac and never use anything Microsoft again! ^_^ :turned:
  11. It downloads fine for me.
  12. Since when hae you had an iPod photo, Jon?
  13. I stapled my thumb to my table... Edit: forgot to say, it wasn't on purpose...
  14. I shall have to enter soon then. :unsure:
  15. My cable is wank/broken and I now need a new one. So can anybody recommend me any decent makes, I hear 'Planet Wave' are pretty good and offer a lifetime guarentee=appealing. Needs to be about 20ft I guess, no longer though. :blink: Cheers, Haz :P
  16. Haz

    Ck Video Clip?

    I don't know if it's the video I'm thinking it is (it should be) but finding it was more fun than my english coursework. :ermm:" Here
  17. Haz

    The New Messenger

    If you use Unix go for Proteus, i have used it loads on a friends Unix running beast and it whoops the ship out of trillian. Personal preference I guess.
  18. Haz

    The New Messenger

    I personally think MSN 3.5 is the way to go... (Y)"
  19. (Y) Cheers! Loving the Terrible 1 sticker. Fish lips! That has to be one of he nicest guitars I have seen.
  20. My Ibanez GSR 200 Bass.
  21. Ashton Warranty is 6 months, so your frame will be void. I personally would go for the woodstock, looks fish lips.
  22. *Ahem* Mr. Universe... Where is that pic by the way... :-
  23. Haz

    Sister Time!

    'Can't watch that porno, she hasn't got child bearing hips...' :- Sorry, Jon. I know what you mean about figure though...
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