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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Haz


    Er, becaue everyone calls me Haz in real life + it means I can always remember my log in without loads of random numbers after it... :wink2:"
  2. It's pretty awsome to think they did that without any re-filming, must have taken a while to get it working...
  3. Haz

    Got A Job!

    I wish I could find a decent job, my paper round sucks... :P
  4. Tidy my bedroom. With magic powers... :)
  5. Haz


    Golden Syrup and moistened (avec au lait) Wheetabix :D
  6. LMAO! That's funny, but then, after 4 pages of french coursework/homework/classwork that wasn't finished erlier in lesson, I imagine it would be... :P
  7. Grrr... My name is not Harold...
  8. Haz

    Who Are You?

    HARRYELLIS H is for Handy A is for Adaptable R is for Relaxing R is for Relaxing Y is for Yummy E is for Ebullient L is for Loud L is for Loud I is for Impassioned S is for Special LMAO, special, so true... For song I'm 'Are you gonna be my girl?' by Jet
  9. So, me mum and dad got a new suite for the living room, so I get the old sofa, and obvously, since it's going to the tip, make the best of a good situtation... Anyway, here's an extremely poor qaulity video filmed by me mum ( :) ), so she had to shout go when she'd worked out how to take videos... (Thanks to Jon Mac for letting me use his T-S account and thanks to Si, for letting Jon have an account...) Left Clicky... Hehe, fun, no real point, nor is there any point to this post, I just want to say recycling is fun! :(
  10. Yeah, pretty much I would say, I'll get some picks on the 'morro.
  11. Well I sent in my form for september saying I wanted to do; Maths Physics Resistant Materials Photography But I might change RM for Sports Science because I'm good at that. (I got A* in my GCSE mocks). Doubtful I will change it though, it's not particularly useful just fun, wich is why I'm taking photography, for fun, and because you need an art based subject for Architecture and Civil Engineering at uni, which is my ultimate goal...
  12. They also come re-branded as Outland for £8 :( That's what I use...
  13. Haz

    What's Your Bmi

    20.90, just at the bottom of healthy...
  14. Mine is pretty much flat, so I voted innie.
  15. Haz

    The Green Mile

    You say 'when punishment was harsh'? Well, if we say hanging was abolishind in 1890s/1900s, Corporal Punishment was abolished in 1920ish, basically around a century ago, what do you think the religious climate of Britain was? Yes, the Irish especially, were God fearing christians, do you not think they were scared to commit crime? I think you have to take into prospective that is then, this is now. I think's it's a bit of an unfair comparisson to compare two different times periods like that. I havn't really got an opinion on the rest of this topic, although it does make good reading and shows some very interseting/valid points.
  16. BMX forks will be too short.
  17. Haz

    Google Whack

    Then spell it right and you get 148. Hypochondriac totalitarianism (Y)
  18. Haz

    Google Whack

    Has somebody else been watching Dave Gorman's Googlewhack adventure? Pure genious! I tryed but the closest I found was 2 results, and I can't remember what it was. (Y)
  19. Train/Money dependant, I shall come along...
  20. Mwahaha! I think that 'pwns' you all! Tango the ferret! \m/ :D
  21. Mmmm, statistics coursework... :D I remember doing that, I'll do the forumla for you in excel tomorrow and I can send the file over msn if you want? Too late now and I have family lunch tomorrow (again :D ), so let me know if it's too late for you... :D
  22. MX comps are the way to go, adjustable rebound will be useful. If you don't go for div's, have a look into these.
  23. Haz


    Meh, I don't like tattoo's but personal preference. The only tattoo I like the idea of is "Andy" on the sole of some body's foot, like Toy Story. Even though that is apparently the most painful place to have a tattoo, not just because you walk on it, but, because your skin is so tough. :S
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