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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Haz

    Be A Bully

    Hehe, what is the most money you have made in 1 second? (File->stats) Mine is $72.5
  2. Haz

    Be A Bully

    Get the Gravity thing *floating purple ball* get bouncy balls, fire as many as possible, watch the fun. :P (Y) Scrap that! Use Grenades! LMAO! :P
  3. Go to the gallery, there is a pic with the rabbit sitting on some blokes chest, who is wearing a save toby t-shirt. Somebody to do with the site has the rabbit... I think it's funny how so many people are worried about 1 rabbit that is going to be eaten, when hundreds are killed on the roads every day!
  4. Haz

    Appeal Bands

    Even my mum and sister are 'in on it' now. My sister bought two breast cancer bands, the pale pink ones. But my mum wabed a bright pink one, so she gave my ister her ligh one aswell. She went to a different shop and asked for a bright pink breast cancer band, however, when she got home she realised it was a pink livestrong band, so she won't wear it. It's stupid. :unsure:
  5. Haz

    Story Time

    and a rather large portion of
  6. Haz


    Meh, I only looked at the first link and payed attention to the 7 string... Anyway, Gibsons suck. :) Way too chunky. Having said that, the digital guitar is the coolest thing around! You can link each string to an individual amp. :) Imagine the possibilities!
  7. Haz


    Don't remember sseing a Gibbo 7 string... I would vote Ibanez also, because every neck I have tryed on guitar and bass has been appsolutly lush.
  8. Just this minute ordered the new QOTSA album. Before that it would have been Ash - Meltdown, end of 2003ish probably And before that god knows, I don't normally buy albums, just borrow mates and copy them onto my computer...
  9. Rage against the machine Song would have to be Testify because it actually is the best song ever... Best drums... Best bass... Best guitar... Best vocals... Coolest sound (Y)
  10. Haz

    Star Wars Nerds!

    Right click-->Save target as... Quite funny me-thinks... (Y)
  11. Well, they were still brilliant, so it's all good! :unsure:
  12. Well, that was kinda the plan. ;)
  13. If you are seeing them at the Brixton academy, how are you getting there/where are you sitting standing? I have standing fronts. :- But currently no way of getting there except train and I have no idea which the closest station is! :turned:
  14. I'm gonna wear my school uniform backwards, not includig my shoes, every smart aleck has asked me that. :turned: Made £30 in sponsorship :) :-
  15. Haz

    Torrent Help

    Torrentreactor.com is alright. Azureus has always had a weird thing that slows my 'pooter down, I use it because I find the downloads are slightly faster/more reliable. Strange...
  16. Haz


    I can wheelie pretty well on my dad's XC beast (read 15 year old Raleigh). Damn near impossible on my ashton though... (N)
  17. Audioslave - Brixton Academy Franz Ferdinand- I dunno where london astoria I think [spunge]-this friday the agincourt (camberley) Possibility of Bad Religion, not entirely sure yet...
  18. 11 because :lol: I knew they were all trick, (:lol: I don't watch baseball... :ermm:
  19. I have seen it before, ages ago, it's brilliant. I tried but it's really hard. :blink:
  20. Well, I managed to ride a comp with my forks backwards, so they weren't too bent... But I'm getting new ones ASAP... There is a small chance I went into a ditch and didn't stop before the solid rock/sand wall on the other side... :turned:
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