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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Red Alert 2, I'm 'the win'. :)" Haz
  2. That's what happens when M$ write programs on Mac. Ha! Haz
  3. If I'm at home, I drink tap water, If I'm going out I will grab a bottle from the crate. So long as it is cold. Haz
  4. I'll PM you my address! :mellow: Haz
  5. Hmmm, it's a lot faster than real Windows... :turned: Haz
  6. Haz

    Lock, Stock

    It's definitely better than Snatch, even though snatch is funnier. "f**king Northern Monkeys!" "I hate these f**king Southern Fairies!" Haz
  7. That's easy, I'm on level 8. Which game are you playing? Haz
  8. Woop! Cya there! Can't wait, my bike is sweeeet! It will probably be somewhere like the Hexagon, that is where it useually all starts... Haz
  9. Haz


    That English was easy (AQA Spec A) I did 'Cluster 1' and Describe a nightmare world. Easy Peasy. (Y) Haz
  10. Haz


    Good original thread this! (Y) :D I love the stuff but I find this; The people who generally hate it, dump the stuff on like Nutella, the people, however, who love it put a thin layer on their toast to give it a boost. Nutella however, mings, royally. Haz P.S. How come the spell check won't tell me how to spell 'royally', I don't know how many Ls it has. :D
  11. http://www.putfile.com/media.php?n=reallifecounterstrike Hahaha Thought I might share... Haz
  12. Haz


    Apparently this year the grade boundaries are super low in french, 26/40 is A :) History now, anybody else got 'Medicine Through Time'? Haz
  13. Haz


    I hate French exams, too hard, I only like the multiple choice ones. I'm doing Higher, because all my coursewrk was a B, damn it... I hate History more, can never remember the dates :) Haz
  14. 1. My latest addiction to the word awesome. I say it about everything, I sound like Bevis+Butthead, but if I stop saying awesome, it will be imense it with be awesome, catch 22 really... 1. My inability to find a job locally. 1. my inability to fund a new bass. 1. Not having the ' :) ' emoticon dispite it being completely overused, it made me laugh. 1. The fact that the same day as my final GCSE exam, Statistics, I will going to my GP, having MMR, Typoid and Hepititis A. Then I get a Malaria tablet for my holiday to Egypt,which will be awesome (bugger) but I hate injections...
  15. Haz


    The only truely funy bit was when he picked up the phone and shouted PISS! Lmao! Haz
  16. Haz


    I did the Bill Bryson one aswell, but it's funny, I have read that book, so it's hard not to talk about all of it... Did Q4) Puersuade a young man to buy a car. Basically, all you have to do is big it up and say it's fast as f**k, in to pages. :)" Haz
  17. June the 24th, Statistics GCSE, 46% for a C oh yes, what an easy way to end... 2 days after the begining of my summer though, mmmmmmm Audioslave... Haz
  18. Haz


    While you are doing GCSE they really big 'em up to make em sound important. Once you have A-levels, they know you are qualified, they will just go by your interview and how well you get on. No reason to 'delve that deep' into someones exam records just to see who was better, it just doesn't happen. Haz
  19. I'm going Sunday, w00p, first ride in years... literally. Haz
  20. LMAO, Lauri Williams, what a legend, went to sea scouts with him... Good stuff, that final guy with the blue hoody was pretty moist! Haz
  21. Haz


    That was actually the only question I didn't answer hahaha. I got (0,7) lucky guess, I got part B) also.
  22. If you do it well, yeah. Haz
  23. Haz


    I had maths. I had many a mixed feeling. I took the higher tier and it was f**king hard, I reckon I did ok, about 80% like mod661, but when I opened the paper, I missed the first couple of pages and just thought "Oooooooh f**k." I was about ready to lay some serious bricks until I realised I knew a load of it. Defiantely the hardest paper I have ever taken. Wish it was as easy as Science... Anyway, English tomorrow, not too bad at that. Haz
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