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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Woop. Reduced in size from 1024*768. MSN is represented by the blue text and the duck in the top right. (H)
  2. LMAO Unfortuantely it doesn't treat toothe ache! There is a bit of difference between that and sensitivity. Best idea would be to dope your self up on asprin untill you can get to a dentists. Act like a scrounging student and you might be able to get pro-bono work for free! (Y) It will probably be a root canal cavity, so it will be under the gum. Painful as f**k, prety expensive aswell. And a dentist can put anyone on the NHS for a check-up, book a check-up.
  3. Some girl called Hannah, who all my friends hate, but whilst drunk I thought she was sound, and exchanged numbers. We have never spoken since... (Y) That was about 5 weeks ago. PS she's a bit of a whore, that's why no-one likes her.
  4. Octopus - awesome Ouch - Worlds biggest bellyflop Remember the PK BBC ad - well this is better The Incredible Edible Internet - this is too funny That whole site is good. (Y)
  5. Haz


    WWW.SLOGANIZER.NET Some of my best have been: "Weapons grade uranium, better than sex" "Life's beautiful with Rohypnol" "I just want more, Genital Warts" (Y) Post your best!
  6. The Thomas Crown Affair. Old and New. The Green Mile. Lock Stock. Snatch. A Fish Called Wonda. Fierce Creatures. Any film with Vin Diesel in because he is such a buff 'ting. According to my sister who was reading this as I typed it.
  7. Paypal, but if you're being conned, you ain't gonna' see any money any time soon.
  8. Posted this a few days ago. This is a better thread for it. :blink:
  9. They only come out at night, riding badgers. They have white blood and no little toes. Quite rare.
  10. Haz

    The Ebay Song

    I find this much more amusing. :shifty: Haz
  11. Haz

    Made Me Laugh!

    Doctors don't give people anything. That is incredibly odd, but most people just see them as something they deserve for paying taxes. They are a convenience when you are ill. Footballers keep millions of people entertained for and hour and a half, the same as any band, why do they get payed so much? Because they are entertainers. Besides, are you going to double your taxes to pay Doctors and Nurses footballers wages? Didn't think so. Just a thought. Haz
  12. PiePod I love Weebl+Bob, it's rather amusing. Haz
  13. I think I speak for everyone when I say Bludgeon. Or Fudge. Or Badger. Or Bridge. Or any other word with 'DG' sound in it. If you really emphasize the D it really truly does sound awesome. Say it...... Bludgeon. :( Haz Edit: Now I think about it, they may not be my favourite words, but two I use frequently are Awesome and Immense, because they are.
  14. I have to admit, from that picture, it does look the sex. There are actually some really nice lines on it, which I haven't seen in other photos. In terms of insurance, I managed to get a quote for a Caterham Classic with 1 1.4l rover engine... for £7995. :ermm: So I imagine the insurance might be fairly high. :( Haz
  15. Agreed, any goon can have a 360 0r 430, they are just overpowered Fiats. On the Subject of the Evo 9, the turbo is so big, the lag makes it slower in sixth gear at 30 mph and 3000 revs, accelerating to 70, than a Fiat estate! Lmao, it's really quite dire, however, if you use the turbo properly and keep the engine in high revs, then it's fast. I love the name though, Mitsubishi Evo IX FQ-400, FQ standing for f**king quick-400brake. :) Besides, I want a Lotus Exige or a Caterham CSR, they "r0xx0rs my s0xx0rs". Haz
  16. F40 slow?! It does 198MPH and that was in the 80s! Even by todays standards the F40 can distroy most supercars. Anyway, the FXX, is ugly, just like the Enzo. And because this is an internt forum "I AM RIGHT AND YOU ARE WRONG!!!111ONEoneeleventyone" :) :D Haz
  17. I only really drink or get stoned at parties, with friends, socially. But more recently I have been getting stoned more often than tipsy. It's my preference of experience, I prefere the mellowness and chilled feel of weed than the manic-shit-talking feel I get whilst drunk. I'm not addicted, I know I can have fun without it, so it's not ike anybody can say "you'll have a better time without it", because most of these people havn't tried it, that annoys me somewhat. I'm not planning on trying any harder drugs, I have never had a really bad time and untill I do I don't think that I will think twice. Haz
  18. +1 to everything you said, F40>GTO>Dino>* :D Interesing fact about the F40; the paint is so thin, to keep weigh down, that you can see the carbon weave through it! :P Sounds like poor workmanship to me...
  19. I'm not getting it. It's a 15 minute train journey to the college I'm going to, at 2.40 return, up to £12 a week, and £400 a year for a pass, which is to be payed by the student('s family). Neither will they pay for a student card to reduce fairs. It's a bit much. Not much I can do so I best get looking for a real job. (Y) Haz
  20. I just got back from Egypt, coincidentally, from the Red Sea, fortunately I was on the mainland as opposed to the panincular where Sham El Sheik is. Pretty incredible security they have their though, nothing like you would find in the west. Every main road junction has a Military Police fortification and at least 5 guards with AK-47s. The majority of hotels even have such guards, I heard on CNN that even the hotel which was bombed had them, but the bomber just drove straight past. In all honesty though, I'm more worried about the London bombs, they were closer to me there than they were in Egypt. Unfortunately getting through Egyptian Passport Control last night was a complete arse, what can you do? Haz
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