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Everything posted by Haz

  1. No joke I'm afraid, £60, or a little wire? Certainly know which I am going for. :P
  2. Haha, cat was probably looking at the table rather than gate. Nearly related, but still completely awesome... StuffOnMyCat.com
  3. They want £60 for that when it's released. :huh: Me thinks they are having a giggle!
  4. Indeed, but it can be found in Crude Oil, aka Black Gold. Besides, there aint nothing like a fat lump of Tar in your lemonade! :P (Y)
  5. And what is Tar made from? (Y)"
  6. I think Monkey is right. Especially about it being a terrible song.
  7. Voice clips are quality. (Y)
  8. "My mikshake, is better than yours, My milkshake, brings all the boys to the yard." Hahaha, I hate that song.
  9. "Looking at life through the eyes of a tyre hub" "Conversion, software version 7 point 0," Toxicity - SOAD "So here I am, Doing everything I can, Holding on to what I have, Pretending I'm a superman" Superman - Goldfinger "I wanna' move north and be a canadian, or hang down south with the nice australians" Franco Un-american - NoFX They are awesome.
  10. Ebuyer, it's damn cheap and wil do everything you wanted.
  11. Yeah, anything solvent based will prety much clean it all up.
  12. Haz


    I was in Boston, USA and it started raining while we were eating dinner, came out and we had to walk two blocks back to the appartment, massive torrents of water almost ankle deep everywhere and there was thunder and lightning and I was wet when we got back.
  13. They say 3-5 days, but apparently Natwest are one of the fastest banks for this and manage it in 3 days. ;))
  14. He just said he's got one. (Y)
  15. Hahahaha, that is awesome. "That's no star, that's a melon, a death melon!"
  16. IEEE 1394 is Firewire, so unless it's connected to your video camera/external harddrive/other, it won't be doing anything. Dan, you must be mixing up Firewire also.
  17. Haz

    Good Films

    No, no, you miss the point, how can you recommmend a film you haven't seen?
  18. Haz

    Good Films

    Isn't the point of this thread that you have seen the film you recommend, not just a 2 minute trailer?
  19. Haz

    Mac Help

    What you mean by downloader? Torrent or P2P? If you want Torrent, Azureus is probably the best place to start. If you want P2P, Limewire is pretty much the only thing worth it. Pure-Mac would be the first place to try and find converters, that should be a good enough site to get you started. I don't use a converter myself, I cba. If you want to play *.WMA files, EasyWMA is a program that can convert them to *.MP3 and can be found here at a cost of $10. (Y)
  20. Make it go from Black to White on the first gradient. Then on the second make it go from transparent to blue. (Y)
  21. Haz

    Random Lass

    2 points. 1. Look how cool he is for posting a convo with a GIRL. 2. Look how cool I am for pointing out how cool he is for having a conversation with a GIRL. Now, all bask in our coolness! :closedeyes:
  22. The goat at about 1 minute twelve, where it's running and just falls is histerical! But yes, I have seen it before. :(
  23. Haz

    Tft Monitor

    2/8/16ms is the time it takes 1 pixel to go from black to white to black again. I know this because I'm looking at 17" TFT monitors aswell, and read Custom PC magazine also. :"> Anybody got any recomendations for a DVI TFT monitor, sub £200?
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