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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Infant thread mortality does seem to be on the rise. Mainly because they are all clones and are exceedingly boring. :P (Y)
  2. Half-Life 2 had a pretty terrible ending. However, it means there will be Half-life 3 for certain. :'(
  3. :'( That'll learn you, dmil1489. :D
  4. Battle Field 2 - same as BF1942 but newer, and probably one of the most spec demanding games ever.
  5. Erm, I keep being told the server is under too much load or something, but I don't know if that's a Safari problem or not. Oh, and any thread with a red tag, takes an age to load, whilst with a blue tag, it's super fast. Changable type box size is good. Where's the spell check gone? Ta very much, Haz
  6. Six form is so much fun it's un-true! And I don't know about anybody else, but, there are so many good looking girls! :rolleyes: Erm yeah, don't worry too much about your GCSEs, teachers big them up a load but so long as you pay attention and do coursework, your set.
  7. Erm, no idea, my friend downloaded them of a torrent and burned them to a DVD or 3. Then I copied them onto my hard disc drive, then I passed them on to the next person. Check out any torrent sites, but watch for bad trackers and stuff, it's gonna be a bitch to download, will take about 4 days on 2mb BB. Make sure you seed if you find it. :)
  8. That was the "Post pics of your dinner thread".
  9. 10 gigs, but hey, who said anyhing about trials videos? :D Well, I do have the entire series of LOST on my HDD and that's 8.8 gigs hahaha, bet you thought I meant porn! (Y)"
  10. How much did that screen set you back/what model is it so I can check it out? My last Samsung TFT was really noice, broken now though, only three years old. (Y) I will take a photo soon as the new addition arrives. :D
  11. Haz

    Petrol Crisis

    I knew that. But I like the thought of having Admin/Mods at my every beck and call. (Y)
  12. Haz

    Petrol Crisis

    Hahaha, check the legal page. (Y)" "Vin Diesel is a very entertaining actor, not a biofuel." Hahaha. :angry: Edit: can someone change the thread title please, would seem I can't spell petrol.
  13. Haz

    Petrol Crisis

    Petrol Direct :angry:
  14. I dunno' from what i understand 'proper' situps to be, all it means is you back never touches the floor, you only lean about 5 degrees from it, so your muscles are always under tension.
  15. (Y) This guy knows his shizzle. I was planning on going to a gym, but I just bought a door frame chin up bar instead, pretty good, definately recommended because you can use it for sit-ups aswell by putting it low in the frame and locking your feet undernieth. Only £8 or something. ;) Edit: Just to add, this won't really add anything to your overall strength, but its the only way to improve cardiovascular endurance, which will in tern help you excersize longer, making your body more efficient at supplying oxygen and removing waste. It's all good. :angry:
  16. Haz

    Funny Faces

    Ahahahaha, awesome! :angry:
  17. Haz

    Pro Skater Kid

    Looks to me like he has them, he just can't balance the board for shit, so it spins out and stuff and he looks like a fool. What a ghey.
  18. "Hmm, these sachets of Rohypnol on my right are going great with her soup!"
  19. You should be alble to do everything with Nero. First open up Nero StartSmart (or SmartStar, dunno' which, hahaha) then click 'Data DVD' if you want to view the files on a computer or 'Video DVD' if you ant it to convert them to a Normal film standard which will play in your DVD player in the living room. However, I'm not actually sure if Nero has a 'Video DVD' option in StartSmart, so you would have to open Nero the long way and tell it you want to be a video DVD manually. I don't use Nero often, so don't take everything I say for proof.
  20. Gone are the days when the king led the troops to battle! :-
  21. No you don't, his looks like a telephone. :-"
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