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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Vista = OS 10.4 + bugs That 3d enviroment looks good, but it's not windows and no-one will know how to use it. I don't mind the Vista theme, it's better than XP, purely because it doesn't look like a 5 year old designed it. :P
  2. Haz

    What To Play...

    One of my friends bands played 'Down with the sickness', they were asked to play quiet background mucic at a fair. That was funny. :turned:
  3. I can complete a lap in 7 seconds. :turned:
  4. Haz

    Which One?

    My iPod mini, has been 18 hours non stop, which is what the apple site quoted. The iPod nano has 12 hours quoted, I imagine it will easily go for that. Good, save with the replaceable bit. Apple replace them free inside warranty. Creative tell you to buy a new one regardless, I know because it happened to my sister's friend. Buttons for morons? I don't know about you, but the easier it is to opperate the better it it. Agreed, sound is a priority, but there is nothing wrong with the player, it's just the poor in ear headphones, Creative headphones are no better.
  5. Haz

    Picture War

    Emos cry more than Superman ever did.
  6. Haz

    Funny Games

    :sleeping: Keep it to yourself.
  7. Teletubbies Really Are Insanely Large, Sometimes.
  8. Indeed, Porridge repeats will never be the same. (N) RIP
  9. Haz

    Working At 14

    You can't serve alchohol, but you can clear glasses and wash em up. Or so I was told when I applied at the local restaraunt/bar.
  10. Haz

    Funny Games

    Anyone care to translate?
  11. If it's dry I WILL be there. If it's wet, I might be.
  12. It's a load easier than it sounds.
  13. Bit Torrent is a file sharing system also. So the album you want, someone else has. They create a Torrent file, containing all the data about the album. Which you download off a site. You use a Client (such as azureus or bit torrent) to open this file, which will begin to copy across the album. This is known to most as leeching. As soon as you have downloaded it, you will begin seeding. Sending it back, to someone else who wants the file. And thus the cycle continues. You can have multiple leechers and multiple seeds, affecting nothing but speed really. If there is no seed for the torrent file, it can't be downloaded, because there is nowhere to copy the file from. If you're needing any help I can PM you the address to a secure Torrent Forum, who will fully sort you out and help get you up and running. Runs on an invite system though, because it's secure and I only have one, so let me know if you want it.
  14. Haz


    Clubbing on holiday is awesome. However I'm not legal in most UK clubs so that's that idea out the window. Clubbing is soo fun, but I only have one friend who would go with, unless of course I can convince my friends it is quality, of course...
  15. Haz

    Picture War

    I'm a nonce and posted to the wrong pic...
  16. Haz

    Picture War

    Women fends her husband off.
  17. Erm, no. Emotion = something you feel. Emoticons = something you use to show how you're feeling, over the web. Emoticons are basically smilies.
  18. Haz

    Picture War

    The new iPod is beter than nothing. Image is mine, no stealing please. <_<
  19. I like the bit where he picks up the phone and shouts PISS, hahaha.
  20. Gotta' go job hunting this weekend. Gotta' check all the local places again, going for garden centers mainly, seems easy. :) And the new Internet Cafe doon my local highstreet.
  21. Haz


    :) Was only on 25k when I saw it earlier. Gotta' be having a laugh. Not as much as this guy, however. Apparently the guy selling all this also sold a winning lottery ticket.
  22. Sorry, no pics, but in Sandhurst, just down the road from me, there is a shop called "The knob sho" And in Richmond, Surrey, there is a shop called "Knobs and Knockers".
  23. Haz

    Picture War

    Nope, he pwns Sylvesta Stalone though. (Well maybe not, they both suck ass) Just play, mo' focker.
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