Bit Torrent is a file sharing system also.
So the album you want, someone else has. They create a Torrent file, containing all the data about the album. Which you download off a site. You use a Client (such as azureus or bit torrent) to open this file, which will begin to copy across the album. This is known to most as leeching.
As soon as you have downloaded it, you will begin seeding. Sending it back, to someone else who wants the file. And thus the cycle continues.
You can have multiple leechers and multiple seeds, affecting nothing but speed really. If there is no seed for the torrent file, it can't be downloaded, because there is nowhere to copy the file from.
If you're needing any help I can PM you the address to a secure Torrent Forum, who will fully sort you out and help get you up and running. Runs on an invite system though, because it's secure and I only have one, so let me know if you want it.