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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Quality Battlefield 2 video. Right click--> Save target as.
  2. Haz

    Downloading Stuff.

    The anual estimate of piracy to software and gaming companies is around $3bn. Which is a hell of a lot.
  3. Haz

    Ceramic Rims

    Mine bites like a f**kin' rabid chinchilla!
  4. Should have said, I was riding there yesterday. (Y)
  5. Haz

    Best Website Ever?

    Yes, yes I was. 10 points for -RoBBo-, who managed to read in between the lines and reply to a question which wasn't even there. Good Stuff. :lol:
  6. Might appeal to the guys who play guitar a little more, this is awesome none the less. http://www.guitarshredshow.com I can't wait for the next chapter/thing! :lol:
  7. Haz

    Software Help

    Yeah, I guess, I don't use many public sites, only when I can't find what I need on private sites.
  8. Haz

    Software Help

    Depends who owns the tracker. Some, I know for a fact cap people with low ratios and give better d/l speeds to people with higher ratios. Most don't so, I'm not sure.
  9. Haz

    Which One?

    My friend bought a Zen Sleek, purely because he hates iPods, two days later, he returned it, and bought a Nano. I don't know 100% why, it seemed like an OK player to me. Yeah, that's what Sony told me too. I generally think standard formats are best, and mp3 is definately the most used, I don't notice any problems on my PC system when I play them, so they are good enough. The only thing against Sony player is the software, it's a complete cow.
  10. Haz

    Ceramic Rims

    I have a D521 Ceramic. It's lush, I think it feels better than a grind and it has never needed anything but a wipe with muck off. The Ceramic coating is a mixture of aluminium oxide and titanium oxide, applied with a plazma torch. So basically the particles are ionized so they stick to the rim, then heated up really hot with electricity. Works really well. If it feels like it is loosing power, wash your bike, then cover the ceramic with muck off or similar, but insead of washing it, wipe it with paper towell and your brake will be imense. Most people find they work sound with standard magura black pads, but I like locky brakes and found ether Monty Hydras or Plazmatic CRMs to be best. (Y) Mine is loud as fook aswell. :D
  11. Haz

    Ipod Problems?

    Have you formatted it and everything, it takes a bit of setting up on windows I found. Have you got the latest updater, go to a href="w"w.apple.com">www.apple.com and get the latest. Run it and plug your iPod in when it says. When it's done close it down and restart your PC. Open iTunes and connect your iPod. If that hasn't worked, do it again. I have done it twice and it work both times, so just keep retrying.
  12. Haz


    I'm with NatWest, purely because they were the only people who did Solo cards when i got mine. They seem good enough for me, I don't know how the interest rates compare, though.
  13. >_< Nice one! Good find! (Y) Definately being saved!
  14. My uncle used to race in the GT3 cup. Got banned for being too agressive at one point, hellishly quick though. Sold the Porsche and is looking to go into endurance. I'll see if I can find a pic of his old car. The orange car. Seem to be the only Google pictures of him.
  15. Haz

    Picture War

    But it's the wrong pill and it's actually ecstasy.
  16. Yeah, but you can't buy old iPods. :S [/shit cover up for being dumb] What's better however, is this. :P Look at the final picture, LMFAO.
  17. Haz


    Superdrive is 14" only. Which is dumb.
  18. He has a point, everytime you wanted to watch on your PC, instead of leaving it to be found by your over curious family, you could just link you iPod up the the PC and watch through that...
  19. Haz


    Not when you're getting it as cheap as I am. :turned:
  20. Haz


    You wait. :turned: Haha, yeah, understand where you're coming from there. I just want one for MSN at home and watching videos in college, the odd bit of homework and stuff would be sweet. Then I can come how and play games/doss around on Creative Suite on my PC, without having MSN windows everywhere. :P Is your iBook new/running tiger?
  21. Haz


    It seems Tomm has been won over. (Y) You can't really beat iBooks. I only bought my Shuttle because I play too many PC games, and I'm getting an iBook in a month or two anyway. :turned:
  22. I set fire to a bottle of petrol. THAT was dumb.
  23. I want the Exige and the 340 R. Lotus are appsolutly awesome. :P
  24. Looks new to me. It has a completely different case, smaller wheel, which is made by a Apple as oppsed to bought from Sysmantec, different hard drives, bigger screen, faster video processor, etc... I'd say that was new, in the same way the new BMW 5 series is a new car, just because it has the same badge... As for the technology thing. Why would you release it all at once, when you can do it gradually and make shed loads more money, it's not just Apple doing it, every mobile phone manufacturer does it. Apparently Intel have the technology to make a 6Ghz processor, but they can't make it reliable, how do you know it wasn't the same for the iPod?
  25. Haz


    <a href="www.icubes.co.uk">www.icubes.co.uk - probably the best place for a shuttle, because they are SFF PCs only, but Shuttles aren't cheap, I think your best bet is too look on ebay. I got a Shuttle with the following spec; 3.4Ghz Extreme; 1 gig Ram; 256mb grapjhics; 74Gb High speed HDD; etc. For about £530. Which is pretty awesome spec for tiny price, you'll get something cheaper than that, for the spec you want however. I can't remember the link but there is a site who make a £250 complete shuttle. You could lok into that.
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