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Everything posted by Haz

  1. You'd do yourself an injustice if you didn't buy HL2, it's really fun shooting radiators at people with the grav gun. :S
  2. You do have the entire set-up don't you, as in, Half-life 2, etc? Because it is just mod for that, if you don't have it installed, you won't be able to play it.
  3. Haz

    Xbox 360 Launch

    Exactly, it's not going to happen any faster if he has to make another order is it? He must be pretty high up on the list at game if he pre-ordered it.
  4. No, that's just silly. I'd much rather my d/l be there whn I want it rather than waiting a minute. even then, the wider bandwidth means that if you runa network then you don't get bottlenecked by others. Wish I was on NTL atm, I'm on BT and they aren't upgrading yet.
  5. THe 23 year old american will give you a coherant answer.
  6. Ever been on a weight induced diet? Ever thrown a billiard ball from a 5 storey car park, just to see if it really will bounce? Is www.realultimatepower.net funny? What is the highest number you have ever counted to in 1 go? Are you planning to count higher anytime soon? Why not? Do you rally have better things to do than count to really high numbers? Are you sure? Want to phone a friend? Ever been on a television quizz how? Did you win? Did you answer all my questions? Why? Do you feel any better for it? Getting a bit pointless now aren't they? Should I stop? What's the magic word? :lol:
  7. I thought that it was hilarious! Maybe not that original, but the results, lmfao, classic! :lol: I've had it done to me a few times, never fallen for it though, because it's the same friend who does it! :lol:
  8. Haz

    Deviant Art Users.

    Dead impressed! Loving that pic!
  9. Haz

    Deviant Art Users.

    I have one, nothing on it yet though, going to upload load this weekend, I hope. :)
  10. Got my dad the new Enya CD, getting a pair of garden sheers for my mum because she always breaks them. :) Not exciting but hey, I have no job/money, so just make it something useful or enjoyable. :)
  11. If you're crossing a motorway on foot, whether your working or not, you should expect to get hit.
  12. Yeah, but you'll get slower transfer rates.
  13. Holy Crap! :'( The guy was awesome, a real shame indeed!. RIP
  14. Q1- How often do you play any of the Lottery games ? Very Infrequently* [ X ] Monthly** [ ] Weekly*** [ ] Weekly**** [ ] Q2- Which of the following games have you played ? (State as many as applicable) Lotto [ X ] Euromillions [ ] Thunderball [ ] Daily Play [ ] Scratchcards [ ] Hotpicks [ ] Q3- What is your opinion on the variety of games available ? Not Enough [ ] Just Right [ X ] Too Much* [ ] Too Much** [ ] Q4- Which of these channels have you used to purchase a ticket before ? (State as many as applicable) From Shop [ X ] Internet [ X ] Text Msg [ ] Sky TV [ ] Q5- Were you fully aware about the new interactive ways of purchasing a ticket ? No [ ] Some Idea [ ] Yes [ X ] Q6- Would you consider buying a ticket via text/sky tv/ web in the future ? Already Do [ ] Definitly Not [ ] Unsure [ X ] Yes [ ] Q7- How do you perceive the popularity of the National Lottery ? Poor [ ] Declining [ ] Constant* [ X ] Improving [ ] * Since it was launched Q8- How often do you notice advertising (TV, print, Web etc) and promotions by the National Lottery ? Never [ ] Occasionally [ ] Often [ X ] Very Often [ ] Q9- In your opinion, How much does the Lottery do for good causes ? Not Enough [ ] Does Some Good [ ] A Lot of Good [ ] Don't Know [ X ] Q10- Do you think the National Lottery changes Britain for the better ? No [ ] Unsure [ X ] Yes [ ]
  15. Did you watch Have I Got News For You earlier? He was hosting, it was classic! (Y)
  16. Haz's tip for college, hang out in the art department. (Y)
  17. That's cool. I shall definately have use of this. (Y)
  18. :P I feel sorry for his family, and the person who would have got the liver, had GB not.
  19. Most HP and Epson have network ports. Shouldn't need to do that.
  20. I'd look at HP, but only because I have an A1 HP printer. I can scan loads of grapahic printer articles with reviews about al sorts, my dad reads Digit pretty often so they do nice un-biased reviews, might be worth a look? Catch me on MSN and I'll do it.
  21. Haz

    Hair Gel Or Wax?

    Dax Wax is awesome stuff, takes about 2/3 washes to take out though. I use whatever is cheapest, usually gell.
  22. Please do. Video it aswell. Like this fool.
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