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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Haz

    The Darkness

    The bassist left.
  2. Beat the Enzo round the Top Gear track. Pretty much the same performance ratings though.
  3. Moped. Hahaha. http://www.moped.org.uk/
  4. Zebrahead sometime soonish in London! MFZH!
  5. I play it. Will be on later tonight most likely. I'll post a server IP later if I do and you fancy coming on.
  6. Haz

    Online Games

    You can't really download Counter Strike, because Steam is so tight with verification and shit.
  7. Haz

    Online Pc Test

    WTF I didn't see how bumped this was...
  8. Haz

    The Uk

    Goon, he said label them, meaning, you have to know where thay are...
  9. If anyone cares, there is a loop at the end. http://tammylc.livejournal.com/487093.html the above link and you'll get to that, follow that link and you'll find the begining of the loop. No I didn't read it on some other site, I just got bored and decided to see how far I could get.
  10. RIP - I hope his family and friends cope well.
  11. White Rum + Coke, Vodka + Coke, JD + Coke, SC + Coke. Any spirit with coke really. I like Lager but only with a meal. Grolsch is pretty nice.
  12. I'd say about 50 notes, depending on who and where from.
  13. Thing is I would give most of it away to charity, at least 75m of it. It's too much for 1 person I'd say it'd need to be spilt between 5 people at least.
  14. Hahaha, gutted. Get eating, boy.
  15. Have you tryed de-fragging? I'd do that first really.
  16. Haz

    Best Cereal

    Cinannaom Grahams, oh yeah. Can't beat raw porridge, it's porridge, with brown suger and raisins, which hasn't been nuked.
  17. Haz

    Online Gaming

    I know, I got it 2 weeks ago, and i have played it every night. <--- Sad I'm usually in the PotUK server.
  18. This was Barney's show on 9/11.
  19. Haz

    Photo Sites

    www.deviantart.com is good for more amature stuff. www.magnumphotos.com is good for serious pro stuff. Various links etc on those sites.
  20. Sounds about right, It was definately a lot.
  21. His show name is Hercules. His father is in prison for petty crime and used to mix steroids with his baby food. And he can leg press 550lb or something, over 3 times his bodyweight at least, it's insane. We had to watch a video about him ages ago in GCSE PE.
  22. Haz


    Neighbors is written by a BMXer, it used to be at least, hense why Tad used to ride BMX. (I used to ride it years ago.)
  23. Haz

    Online Gaming

    That's how much I payed at Game, last summer. Got BF2 can't play it because of gay ass Physics revision.
  24. Out of interest, do you work at dixons, currys, comet, etc? How can you say they are chinease rubbish, I'd put money on it that 99% of the covers are made in China or other eastern countries. Good point, I forgot how superior WMA was. With it's ultra compact files with ultra high quality and completely bug free playback and it's this and it's that. IF you aren't using MP3, you clearly are missing the point, windows is so atrocious it doesn't matter what you do, you can never listen to the same song twice because it will somehow write a bug into itself.
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