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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Haz

    Green Wing

    9pm on Fridays, Channel 4. Funniest thing ever.
  2. What forks are they? Look like Onza Tuff guys or Light guys? Either way, get some taller forks and it will improve the ride no-end.
  3. Haven't been on my bike in 2 weeks, haven't had a proper meet up in over 6 months. Damn I need to ride more.
  4. Meh, pretty dull, but oooh so clean.
  5. I heard the best quote ever earlier about this, upon seening the photo of him looking outside the glass, my mate announced "Whaaat?! That's not water?!"
  6. Even if you're running a Mac, you'd be an idiot to have it connected to the internet without appropriate security. It'd be like leaving a car in a multi-storeycar park in Brixton, with all the doors open. As much as I love Macs, I know they aren't invincible, anyone who thinks they are, needs a rain check.
  7. Regarding the Western Digital Raptors, dead fast, but you may find them too expensive, so I'd recomend buying the 74gb drive and an 80gb secondary drive. I have that set-up (albiet with an external secondary HD) and it means my bot disk isnt full of shite, such as music files, and my music files are unaffected by system crashes, no loss of data, etc. Ultimately it's your choice though. Siders advice is sound, Zalman is good stuff, but watch for space in your case, thier stuff is bigger than you might think.
  8. Wouldn't you want him to do the same with you?
  9. I can see you didn't enjoy the saddle.
  10. Perhaps he's showing his GF it's 'legit'.
  11. Happened to my mate a few weeks ago. Going from Reading to Farnborough North (about 5 stops, 20 minute journey) at least 150 people from college get the train. So when everyone piles off at Farnborough, the train people decided to stick for hench men with ticket collectors to check everyones tickets. About 50 of us have passes, so we went through fine, but people who pay on the train, quite often don't have to, because there are so many people the conductor doesn't get to them. Then when the hench men began asking for tickets they got names and numbers and addresses, everyone who had a pass or proof they paid every day got away. £150 fine for all those that had no proof.
  12. Wait a month or two and get the 6270, same phone, half the price.
  13. You all say religion is a load of bullshit but I don't think it would be possible to get as far as we are today, in the way we behave and think. Everytime someone asks 'What's the meaning of life?' There will always be the same two answers, '42' (har-ferking-har) and 'to procreate'. That's it. Since the begininning to time man has needed a reason, no-one has it, but it's good to aim for something. If telling an angry mob of medieval farmers they would all go to hell and live in pain and suffering if they didn't drop thier pitchforks, meant they stopped, problem solved, farmer stops rebeling and monarchy reigns supreme, etc, etc, etc. It's only now when people don't need religion to give thier lives purpose and meaning that people think they can do anything and nothing will come of it. If only as a method of control, religion has had the most positive impacts on the human race. Besides, The Life of Brian>*
  14. Haz

    Stupid Pc.

    Yeah, I try to avoid anything named 'Value'. But I was looking at some Crucial Performance for about £130 I have that atm and it seem pretty sweet.
  15. Haz

    Stupid Pc.

    Yeah, I got the Raptor as a boot drive. It's insane, I only have one, but have heard great things about the performance set up as RAID. Get's a bit hot but nothing a water cooled system can't handle. How much did your RAM set you back, by the way? I'm looking for some more RAM but seems a a bit expensive for 1Gb DIMMS atm. I only have two slots in my mobo because it's a shuttle, so have no option but to get 2*1Gb. Annoyingly, I currently have 2*512Mb, so I'll need to replace all of it.
  16. Haz

    Stupid Pc.

    Just out of interest, is you 80gb Western Digital the 10k speed model? I was just wonder, because if it is, is it noisey as f**k? Mine is really getting on my nerves.
  17. Haz


    That'll teach you for sleepwalking in sand pits. I don't remember my dreams, but t'other morning I woke up after dreaming I beating the crap out of some guy (I know the guy in real life). That was it, it was just me beating this guy up. It's not even like I don't like him. Where I used to live in Bristol, I lived on a really steep hill, our road went across it but the other neighboring roads all ran vertically. I used to have this dream where my mum strapped me in the passenger seat in my childrens chair. When she'd shut the door of the car to get in herself, the handbrake would snap and the car would roll really fast down the hill. That's all I remember, but it was damn scarey. Edit: Probs best mention I was about 4 at the time.
  18. Bill Gates owns something like 20% of Apple Shares. Jobs is about to buy into Disney aswell.
  19. Harry needs to make money. Harry needs to mak a few decisions.
  20. Ken, Ryu, Chun Li, Blanka, etc. And that really immense guy whose arms extend miles, tha's what I'm talking about.
  21. Street Fighter II Best console game ever, got a snes emulator for it.
  22. Not keen on single map servers, unless it's Wake. + I got reserved slot on the PotUK server.
  23. BF2 is pretty addicvtive, keep looking at Siders77's BF2 stats to see if he's online, just so I can go on see what's what. Hehe. www.clan.potuk.org <-- The clan I someohow got involved in because I frequently play on thier server. If you like BF2, go check it out. It's new, and most of the time the main page don't work, so go to http://www.clan.potuk.org/forum/index.php? and join. Or just come play the server, it's pretty good. If not incredibly sad. (I honestly can't believe I'm in a clan, I never thought it would be like this. I'm still having fun though.)
  24. I'd definately go for a 20D, my dad has one, and it really is great. I've been reading up on the 30D and Chris has allready pointed out the main advantages, but for most people, they're isn't £200 worth of advantages.
  25. Haz

    Pop Ups!

    I use eWido for spyware, that's pretty good. But for random pop-ups on sites Peer Guardian 2 seems to block them really quite well.
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