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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Haz

    New Psu

    460W? What you talking about, my PSU is 250W, hahaha.
  2. Haz

    New Psu

    Anyone seen any 3rd party SHuttle PSUs since we're here, I think mines failing, and was looking around. Shuttle PSUs arn't the greatest, so if anybody knows of a good'n, it'd be appreciated.
  3. Damn, how many of you gave away your details so they can spam you to death through every orifice? Gutted you didn't get them though, they looked ace...
  4. Haz

    Wanted : People

    Standard Maggie, Ceramic D521 Rim, Shimano CF Booster. + I give good head. Edit: Probably worth mentioning I use Plaz Pads ATM.
  5. It's still an M3, not exactly a slow...
  6. Fifth Gear is better for car stuff I find. But I much prefere Top Gear, because it's so funny.
  7. ^But she has a Hoof. A hoof I tell thee...
  8. I'm a lone rider myself, none of my close mates ride, however there are plentyof decent people I have met through travelling. Riding alone was the biggest motivation I had to go and find other riders and ride new places.
  9. They weren't banned, just discontinued, because they contained unholy amounts of sugar and they made kids bounce of the walls. I've never had a sugar buzz like I did last time I went to America and ate a whole box of them.
  10. THey did it an age ago with a TVR Tuscan.
  11. Awesome Tomm, cheers. Top Gear is incredibly good. About the only thing I watch on TV.
  12. Most of the time you mix it with lemonade, it's pretty lush imo.
  13. Well, I got this bloodthursty mutha', Paws, my cat. And this beasty mutha', Tango, my ferret. My sister had two ferrets but they were rehomed because she went to uni.
  14. That's pretty nice, what is it? I'd love a hollowbody guitar, even though I play bass, hollowbodies are sweet.
  15. I think Laney are too muddy really, if you like british Amps, you can't go wrong with an Ashdown. Mesa are overpriced, bu they sound prety good. I would funking love an Ampeg though.
  16. Last day of As', got a party tonight, dunno' where it is though...
  17. In fairness, they are dead nice speakers, mine sits under my desk, loveley. I have the black ones.
  18. Says "http://www.savelivesinmay.com/ What you recon? I think the first line gives it away 'I have received information psychically,' Ooooh dear.
  19. http://www.milinkito.com/los80.php Ultimate 80s songs, of all varieties.
  20. Power of Love - Huey Lewis and the news. Ghostbusters - Ray Parker Jr.
  21. Yeah, don't revise stuff you can allready do, find out what you can do through past exam papers, if you can't do a question seek further questions in your textbook or online and do them 'till you have it down. Don't do loads of work all at once, break it down, 30 minute sessions every other day are better than 3 hours solid at once. I find two sessions of about an hour in a week per subject works pretty well if I start a few weeks in advance of study leave (bit late now, for you, but next time), it really does ease the stress.
  22. Steak, chips, and peas. *Drools*
  23. Haz

    Steam Id

    You do realise that the serial is bound to the account, so he won't be able to use the serial on any other account?
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