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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Mr T, Gary Coleman, The Fonz, Bananaman, Gordon the Gopher, Sloth from the Goonies, Barry Scott.
  2. Done the Physics, all I can say is one of two things happened... 1. I aced the Exams. 2. The questions were deceptivly hard, and I feel like I did well, but really, I did atrociously. Anyway, no more exams till next january for me!
  3. Manslaughter. Co-incidentally Jon...
  4. Same as me. Excelent. I'm not the only one. That your last exam?
  5. I have two exams tomorrow, one is a retake from january, because I ballsed it up and got a D.
  6. Ok, so the back end is nice, but the front...
  7. No. Russian Revolution and stuff like that.
  8. Ahhh, that's what that thing was, I missed the very beginining of last episode. Awesome technology, but it's a bloody ugly car...
  9. I didn't think the French had a sense of humour...
  10. Haha, a good friend of mine is doing Further Maths, Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Modern History. He was also dissapointed with an A in his Further Pure 1 mock...
  11. Nice one. That means you might know stuff I don't... excelent, read this thread tomorrow to see me shit my pants as I relise I need to relearn the an entire years worth of physics in a day. OOooh yeah, if your on OCR B I got some awesome revision sheet things our college made, basically condensed notes of the entire syllabus so you can do open booke exams and stuff with 'em, only bits that arnt there are the mechanics bit at the end.
  12. I do Maths Mechanics aswell. I'm likely to fail them both.
  13. Haz

    Name The Films

    Layer Cake s'about the only one I can see which I don't think has been guessed...
  14. Yeah, I do, but I'm on OCR B, apparently it's the superhard mutha' of a course. You guys done Quantum Behaviour with AQA, just out of interest.
  15. I don't have a job. I really need one.
  16. I have, but I only bought a set of lights and stuff. Only time I have heard bad stuff about 'em is when people place large orders and they they get a complete box of crap.
  17. I thought the football was awesome. And James May in the TVR, quite impressive.
  18. Thers a guy a page or so back who wanted a black one and had a brown one, you could swap, perhaps...
  19. I'd imagine he thought it was an extra cool lens effect.
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