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Everything posted by Haz

  1. The Van reminds me of the Ford Super Van 3 which thay had there last year, something like 500Bhp in super stripped down transit. Did Bowler have thier demo stand again? £15 for a drive with a pro driver might seem quite a lot but it was appsolutely immense. Nice pics, loving the Megane Sport, looks awesome.
  2. Yeah, I just find it un playable as anything but rifleman and sniper. And I do miss my M4A1...
  3. Last time I played the free weekend I remeber t being a lot better than it was today. The old DoD is far better none of this OTT recoil nonsense. Edit: Just noticed you guys can't play because of the same error I had, try restarting Steam, it will only load when it says 'Ready 100%' I think I'll stick to surfing on CS...
  4. Haz

    Machining Project

    Awesome. Love stuff like that. The Mill and Lathe are pretty much my two favourite things in out tech department at college.
  5. I'm currently loving the look of the Wii, but I probably won't buy one. Innovative controller, games to go with, so much multiplayer potential (I'm not talking online, I'm talking about 4 man Super monkey ball at 3am after a party.) Looks quality.
  6. I cuddled with a whore because I'm Rick James... Bitch.
  7. Thought you guys might appreciate this. Basically it allows you to download all updates through Firefox, so you can choose what to install and what not to, but unlike the official Windows site, it won't force you to download certain programs (WGA, for example). I've been using it for a while, just do as it says and you'll be fine.
  8. Happy Birthday! Have a good day guys!
  9. I heard today on BBC radio Berkshire today that the total amount of money borrowed for mortgages in the UK is over a trillion. The number of times they said trillion just to rub it in was amusing to say the least.
  10. They're planning on making it madatory, so you can't get other updates without it. You can remove it now, but soon it'll be a complete b*****d.
  11. Haz

    Guitar Pedal`

    I wouldn't get a multi-FX, unless you try it out, some of them can be really quite poor at certain effects, and it's useually Wah and Distortion. I have heard good things about the Zoom G2.1u, however. As for Wahs, most people I know go for Jim Dunlops, I use a bass one and it's pretty nice overall really. I don't really use it though except for messing around with, however. Try it all out if you can though, it makes deciding if something is any good much easier.
  12. Haz

    Frame Project

    Well, you don't have to be innovative. I would say just make a good brief at the start which basically lets you do exactly what you want to. So just, if you are making it for yourself, say that your 'client' would like a frame built to given specifications which are unavailable from other manufacturers in the market. That way, you pretty much have a free choice. For example, I want to make a bass guitar, for me, I've wanted to do it for ana age and A2 DT is the best time me thinks, but to give the brief a new spin, I said that it would use modern construction techniques to build a ergonomic and playable device, based on a classic design with features and components chosen by my client. Basically, I want to make a bass, and all I did in that brief was to say I'm bloody well building it how I want. My teacher approved it as a bespoke item.
  13. Haz


    I wouldn't say I'm excited about death, I'm 17 unless some bad stuff happens, I got a while before I need to think about whats going to inevitably happen.
  14. NTL 10mb will put a cap on if you do a lot of downloading in peak hours.
  15. I still think the Para is the most fun.
  16. Sniper rifles are for gays?! Scout pwnz j00! Nah, seriously, never use a AWP or a Commando Sniper, you will be flamed. Definately T for sprays, some sprays are god, others just piss me off (porn sprays). hazt on xfire.
  17. Each to thier own, works for me.
  18. Just remembered, mums on holiday with the camera... Erm, I'll go find one and update in a minute. Edit: right, erm, pics... 1 2 3 It's probably the best reason to play Half Life 2 again, it's awesome.
  19. He's on holiday in Antigua, I figure that's present enough, being away from me and my sis.
  20. I wouldn't recommend BF2 anymore, I'm so f**ked off with the latest patch I've gone back to CS:S which is much more fun IMO. And I'm about 3/4 through completing HL2 on Hard. It doesn't get any less exciting the second time.
  21. I got a multicoloured one this morning. It's ace.
  22. I much prefer The Rescuers: Down Under, far better.
  23. My current set up is pretty sweet, I'll get a pic later.
  24. You don't know who Banana Man is? Oh my word...
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