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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Haz

    First Car

    I'm looking at Ford Fiestas for around £300, insurance is still ~£1000 for a 1.1, it's rediculous. I've got about 4k to play with, but I really don't see the point, it's my first car, and am probably going to trash it anyway, so I'll get a crap one, after a year, I'll get nice one, and it'll be sweet as a dromidary. Will definately look into Carole Nash seeing that quote ^^ though, that's totally sweet. If you don't mind me asking, is it third party fire and theft, of fully comp?
  2. Haz

    Nintendo Wii

    Only proplem with the Wii and SSB: Brawl, whilst playing yoyu might get a bit excited when you are about to finish of your mate and you inadvertantly punch him in the face becasue you are concentrating so hard at getting the perfect combo, that would not be a good situation. Only thing I like about shooting on the Wii is Far Cry, throwing 'nade you use the nunchuck to hurl them, which is better than just left clicking, and sword fightng in Red Steel.
  3. Virgin uses the T Mobile mast system, however, I have found it's not quite as good as O2 i my area, but better in others. No idea about the signal boosters though.
  4. Haz

    Nintendo Wii

    I've not heard good things about the PC version of CoD, even though I thought it looked pretty sweet, I hope it's beter for the Wii.
  5. Haz


    It's being produced by Americans, so not funny at all. And I didn't find him funny at all on the show, and the Ali G film was the enfd for him, allthough he was a great character.
  6. Haz

    Nintendo Wii

    I will almost certainly be getting one, based on price, the videos I have seen of Far Cry: Vengance, Wii Sports and Zelda, it will be amazing, and since I won't be getting new PC any thime soon, as soon as my funds allow, I will be buying one, possibly, March time, when a few more games are out. But seriously, who ever said it won't catch on, is quite frankly wrong. This is a whole new style of gameplay, you almost can't play it sitting down. It's amazing and I'd much rather have it than either a PS3 or a 360, because I don't want gaming to be about graphics, playability and innovation ***!
  7. Haz

    Best Lan Games?

    Defcon, games can last around 8 hours, or 30 minutes. Strategy game base don the film War Games from the 80's with Matthew Broderick. Basically you just have to buke the shit out of the other countries. I also play C&C Generals: Zero Hour with my chums quite a bit, makes for some sweet LAN.
  8. Haz


    Yeah, allthough he has apparently has been exiled from the community because of it.
  9. I was laughing so much when that guy was showing how he suspended his doll from the ceiling, and how he had photoshopped his ex wifes face onto it in some pictures. But the machines were just weird as f**k, tell the truth, the actual robot thing aswell!
  10. Haz


    "Give me your tears Gypsie, or I will take them." "I will look over your treasures, Gypsie" "Who is this person you have shrunk, did they own this house?" Funny as, was appsolutely hilarious. Some people at the front got up and left, about 5 minutes in, as soon as the 'Jew Run' came up and the mum laid an egg.
  11. Early adopters allways pick up the bugs. I stuck with 1.5 and everything has been sweet, I don't see the advantages of 2.0 yet as most useful extensions such as Flash Block havn't been released yet. However, Firefox was NOT the reason you got viruses and stuff, that's all the dodgy porn you've been looking at. If you really don't like FireFox, at least try Opera, IE really should be banned.
  12. Sweet, completed it now. That's such a short game. Shame you can't use the Audi or Koenigsegg in story mode.
  13. Right, I have this, I'm on 56% and I can't find how to buy a car! Where the hell can I get a car from? I only have 3, one I started with and two I won. All of them are hot as well...
  14. Meh, you can usually strangle everyone on the network by running µTorrent on Port 80 Gives you a few more kb/s if you are lucky.
  15. The Graphics cards n thouse two are about the same, but the nVidia is slightly better than the Ati, but it's so marginal, your better of with a 17" screen, for light gaming, they will be OK, but don't expect much at all.
  16. Open Office is Sweet, but the spreadsheet is terrible at creating usable graphs...
  17. JBL Creature II's. Small, attractive, easily set up where-ever you want with plenty of cablage, and incredible loud with excellent quality. Only critisism is and songs with a lot of mids, they are slightly restrictive, but it can be easily sorted with your soundcard driver's EQ options. They are a 2.1 system.
  18. My copy is on it's way atm, approximately 26% as we speak. I won't be online, unless there is some miracle which means I can, but if it's any good I'll buy it. I love the customization the Demo isn't to bad at showing of what can be done.
  19. I still have the demo installed, but I've just got a copy of Need For Speed:Carbon, so that will be taking priority.
  20. Haz

    Hook Woods

    Just outside of Guildford, about 15 mins in the car, towards Hook. But I couldn't give you drections.
  21. Haz


    The Gamits That's the only one remember, only one I still have songs by aswell...
  22. A mix of pure Procrastination and Battlefield 2142. I have so much college work, work to do and a party all in a weekend. Damn 2142...
  23. Kitchen Towel + Windowleen (or Detox) usually works. Wet Wipes It's got to be at least damp to get all of it off.
  24. Read as; The new IE is out. So go to www.getfirefox.com
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